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Diocese Decision Represents a New Threat to Ripley School, Say Campaigners

By Martin Giles Campaigners fear that moves by Guildford Diocese aimed, they say, at dissolving the current management arrangements for the Ripley School site could mean the village school will…

Letter: Diocese’s Statement on Ripley School is Misleading

From Julie Iles Conservative county councillor for The Horsleys In response to: Bishop Threatens Legal Action Over Plan to Use Closed Ripley School During Pandemic This sentence from the Diocese’s…

Updated: Bishop Threatens Legal Action Over Plan to Use Closed Ripley School During Pandemic

A row has erupted over the Bishop of Dorking’s threat to take legal action if Farnham’s Raleigh school temporarily uses closed classrooms at Ripley Primary School to allow more social…

Farnham Trust Wins the War Over Ripley Primary School

Farnham Trust Wins the War Over Ripley Primary School

The battle of Ripley primary school is over, the Diocese has surrendered and the school has opened temporarily, the children cheering each arrival this morning (July 8). The Department of…

Ripley Primary School Trustees Offer Help to Local Schools

Trustees of the former Ripley CofE Primary School have offered to support nearby schools by providing valuable additional teaching spaces for up to 90 children during the continuing lockdown period.…

Exhibition at Ripley Museum Showcases Artist Frank Brown

Send and Ripley History Society’s latest exhibition showcases the work of locally born artist, Frank Brown who, from a modest background, attended Guildford’s Royal Grammar School and then the Slade…

Government Decision Leaves Hope Alive for Full Return of Village School

By Martin Giles An application from the Diocese of Guildford for a site in Ripley to have restrictions lifted that would have prevented it reopening as a primary school has…

V1 Flying Bomb Attacks On Send and Ripley – Burnt Common Incident And Others

By Frank Phillipson A detailed follow up to John Glanfield’s recollections of the Burnt Common V1 incident published previously. The V1 Flying Bomb attacks on Britain began on the  June…

Howard of Effingham School Housing Plans Rejected

By Emily Coady-Stemp local democracy reporter Plans for 99 homes on the site of the Howard of Effingham School based on an outline plan already approved by the Secretary of…

Letter: The Education of Ripley Children Is Being Compromised

From Colin Cross R4GV borough (Lovelace) and county councillor (The Horsleys) Yesterday’s story, “Diocese Decision Represents a New Threat to Ripley School, Say Campaigners” indicates the need for the Diocesan…

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