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Dragon Interview: GBC Backbencher James Walsh

Cllr James Walsh (Stoke) is one of only two Labour councillors at Millmead that keep the red flag flying at the borough council. His interview completes the series of conversations…

Dragon Interview: GBC Backbencher David Bilbé

What does David Bilbé, the Conservative borough councillor for Normandy, think about the reported behaviour of some of his party colleagues at senior levels of national government? What does he…

Dragon Interview: GBC Backbencher Catherine Young

What made Catherine Young (GGG, Clandon & Horsley) decide to put herself forward for election as a councillor in 2019? What are her major concerns about the Local Plan? What…

Dragon Interview: GBC Backbencher Will Salmon

The Dragon is inviting a selection of backbench borough councillors from across the political spectrum for interview. We thought it would be a good idea to hear from some of…

Dragon Interview: GBC Backbencher Maddy Redpath

The Dragon is inviting a selection of backbench borough councillors from across the political spectrum for interview. We thought it would be a good idea to hear from some of…

Letter: Councillors Must Be Rigorous in Their Scrutiny

From Mark Stamp In response to: Cultural Change at GBC – Still ‘Work in Progress’ Mr Wrobel may have the best intentions and changing the culture of the officers will…

Letter: We Need an MP Who Understands Local Issues

From: Roshan Bailey Normandy resident Michael Gove’s decision to step down from Parliament was not unexpected but leaves the field wide open as to the choice to be offered to…

Triple Whammy for Guildford Tenants as Motion to Reduce Rent Hike Fails

By Chris Caulfield local democracy reporter and Martin Giles Council tenants struggling in a cost of living crisis will be hit with a triple whammy of rising tax, fees and…

GBC Executive Recommends One-year Freeze in Councillor Allowances

Guildford Borough Council’s Executive has recommended a one-year freeze in councillor allowances due to the poor state of council’s finances. The Executive at the Liberal Democrat-run borough council voted on…

Woking: What Councillors Say Happens Next

By Chris Caulfield local democracy reporter The way in which bankrupt Woking Borough Council navigates through its £2 billion debt will determine the future of services in the area. How…

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