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Letter: The National Trust Should Be Embarrassed About How Long the Weir Repair Is Taking

From S Callanan In response to: National Trust Announce Funding Secured, At Last, for Weir Bridge Repair The response given to The Dragon following the question raised by the chair…

National Trust Announce Funding Secured, At Last, for Weir Bridge Repair

By Martin Giles Five years after the dramatic collapse of the footbridge over Tumbling Bay Weir the National Trust has announced that funding has been secured for its repair. But…

Letter: What Movement Is There on Weir Repair?

From: S Callanan In response to: There is Now Some Movement on Tumbling Bay Weir I don’t do social media so I never look at Facebook. I have now looked…

Letter: There is Now Some Movement on Tumbling Bay Weir

From: Angela Richardson Conservative MP for Guildford See: National Trust Accepts Sole Control of Weir Towpath Restoration But Warns of Further Delay In December, as I have already reported on…

Letter: Funds Are Available for Weir Repair

From: Tom Wolfenden In response to: National Trust Accepts Sole Control of Weir Towpath Restoration But Warns of Further Delay We should indeed welcome the clarity that the National Trust’s…

National Trust Accepts Sole Control of Weir Towpath Restoration But Warns of Further Delay

By Martin Giles Four years on from the dramatic collapse of the footbridge over Tumbling Bay Weir in Millmead, the National Trust, which owns the River Wey navigation, has accepted…

Dragon Interview: Lead Councillor Explains Council Policy on Tumbling Bay Weir

By Martin Giles The council has formally and publicly decided to “do nothing” about the continuing closure of the towpath over the Tumbling Bay Weir since its collapse in 2019.…

Letter: Tumbling Bay Weir – It’s Time For the National Trust to Respond

From: Barry Williams In response to: Tumbling Bay Weir ‘Not Our Responsibility’ Says GBC and Choose ‘Do Nothing’ Option Blame should not lie at the councils door. They have tried…

Letter: Surely We Should Be Working Together to Solve the Tumbling Bay Weir Problem

From: James Walsh Labour borough councillor for Stoke In response to: Tumbling Bay Weir ‘Not Our Responsibility’ Says GBC and Choose ‘Do Nothing’ Option This Tumbling Bay Weir situation is…

Tumbling Bay Weir ‘Not Our Responsibility’ Says GBC and Choose ‘Do Nothing’ Option

By Martin Giles After over three years of inaction and public criticism, Guildford Borough Council has formally agreed to “do nothing” about the broken Tumbling Bay weir bridge: there is…

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