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Tumbling Bay Weir Footbridge to Remain Closed Indefinitely – Council and NT Still Deadlocked

By Martin Giles The River Wey towpath in Millmead is set to remain closed for the foreseeable future as the impasse between the National Trust and Guildford Borough Council over…

Comment: GBC Is Not Responsible for the Tumbling Bay Weir Repair

By John Rigg Lead councillor for generation and R4GV borough councillor for Holy Trinity Guildford Borough Council has made every effort to persuade others to come to the table and…

Letter: Lethargic Response to Weir Collapse Is Appalling

From: Eric Page In respone to: A Temporary Bridge Over Tumbling Bay Weir Is Feasible, Says Leading Engineer I am appalled at the lack of progress to rectify the collapse…

A Temporary Bridge Over Tumbling Bay Weir Is Feasible, Says Leading Engineer

By Martin Giles The full repair of the Tumbling Bay Weir at Millmead is taking much longer than necessary and is costing too much. This is the opinion of a…

Announcement on Timings for Tumbling Bay Weir Bridge Repair Expected Soon

By Martin Giles The National Trust “hope” to be able to put forward a spokesperson to be interviewed by the Guildford Dragon on the continuing closure of the River Wey…

National Trust Refuses to Answer Questions on Tumbling Bay Weir Repair

By Martin Giles The National Trust has refused to answer questions about the long-delayed repair of the Tumbling Bay Weir in Millmead, behind the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre. The weir collapsed…

Surely, After Three Years, the Authorities Should Have Agreed Their Weir Responsibilities

From: Martin Elliott In response to: Council Reacts: ‘We Are Working Together to Ensure the Future of the Tumbling Bay Weir’ I still don’t understand why, after three years, the…

Letter: Three Agencies Should Bear Equal Responsibility for Weir Repair

From: Jim Allen In response to: Agencies Can’t Agree A Statement on Weir Bridge Repair Considering all the facts, it is time someone banged their heads together. My personal assessment…

Council Reacts: ‘We Are Working Together to Ensure the Future of the Tumbling Bay Weir’

Following the Dragon article “Agencies Can’t Agree A Statement on Weir Bridge Repair“, Guildford Borough Council issued a statement today at 3.53pm. It reads: “We know that it is important…

Agencies Can’t Agree A Statement on Weir Bridge Repair

By Martin Giles A promised joint statement on the closed Tumbling Bay Weir footbridge is still awaited after five weeks of prevarication by the agencies involved in its repair, including…