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Opinion: Action on Building Heights Is Needed Now

By Nic Allen retired architect and member of the Guildford Society There has been an ongoing discussion about the heights of new developments in Guildford and much concern raised that…

Insight: Lead from the Front on Values

Part 2 of open letter from former local authority CEO Bernard Quoroll to the new joint CEO for Guildford and Waverley, Pedro Wrobel. See also Part 1: Guildford Needs You…

Letter: The Guildford Society Does Not Represent the Views of Those Outside the Town

From: Ben Paton In response to: The Guildford Society’s View of How the Local Plan Update Should Be Conducted This uncritical article is replete with platitudes and pious generalisations eg…

Blackwell Farm – Don’t Throw Away Our Trump Card

From: Gavin Morgan See: previous articles on Blackwell Farm Ransom Strip here Rightly or wrongly this whole proposal for an option agreement on a ransom strip at Blackwell Farm makes…

Letter: ‘O, What a Tangled Web We Weave…’

From: John Rigg former lead R4GV councillor for Regeneration In response to: Guildford’s MP Raises the Issue of Unpopular Housing Developments at PMQs Walter Scott said: “O, what a tangled…

Opinion: Why Guildford Needs Heights Control Policies

By Nic Allen The Guildford Society We can now see the reality of the Solum Guildford Station redevelopment and the inappropriateness of high buildings in Guildford Centre. The first part…

Letter: Six Factors Which Support a Thorough Reappraisal of Guildford’s Local Plan

From: Niels Laub Guildford Borough Council decided last night (February 21) to go ahead and review the Local Plan which was adopted in April 2019. A report on last night’s…

Home-Start Guildford’s Together Ball Raises £125,000

Home-Start Guildford’s inaugural Together Ball, held on Friday, February 2 at G Live, raised an impressive £125,000. With a commitment to supporting hundreds of families in the Guildford area, the…

Letter: Another Wall of High-rise Flats Proposed for Guildford: This Time in the Green Belt

From: John Harrison Developer Elysian Residences has recently submitted a planning application (23/P/01850) to redevelop the former University of Law site at St Catherine’s on the southern edge of Guildford.…

Opinion: Without Urban Renewal the Town Will Fail

By John Rigg Former R4GV lead councillor for regeneration at GBC Now that the dust has settled on the North Street planning applications saga, is it time to reassess the…