Fringe Box



9 Oct: Letter – Do We Need a Waitrose?

Published on: 9 Oct, 2011
Updated on: 4 Apr, 2012

Letter from Bernard Parke, Hon Alderman

It only seems like yesterday it was said that due to traffic congestion within the Town centre we should encourage out of town shopping facilities for items such as food.

Now the wheel seems to have turned full circle as we are about to lose forever the central town community based around The Live and Let Live public house and The Bellerby Theatre.

The plan is for this site to be the home of a new Waitrose Supermarket. Has any thought been given to the feelings of local people and to the fact that this will cause considerable pressure of the already heavily congested gyratory system, which in itself destroyed many useful small shop units and historic buildings?

One wonders how many other central communities are at risk from decisions taken without adequate consultation? Indeed, how safe is St Catherine’s Village itself from damage? The majority of the decision makers on the council live outside Guildford town and are unaffected by such changes.

We need a voice such as a Town Council made up of people who give their time to serve on residents associations. Is this too much to ask? No, I don’t think so!

Godalming has such a council and indeed even the villages have their Parish Councils. At the moment we have council taxation without proper representation.

In this case, perhaps, a “Tea Party” is not the answer.

What are your views? Do you want a Waitrose supermarket or should the Bellerby Theatre and The Live and Let Live be preserved? Does Guildford need a Town Council? Please do use the ‘Leave a Reply’ feature below to let us know. A full name is required but your email address is not disclosed.

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Responses to 9 Oct: Letter – Do We Need a Waitrose?

  1. Gerald Bland

    April 4, 2012 at 10:26 am

    So what is going on now? It’s over 5 months since this correspondence ended and 20 months since this key decision was last debated at a public meeting of the Council.

    Don’t we deserve rather more information when a community asset is being sold – not just about the sale terms and whether the decision to grant planning permission will be removed from the seller but on what the disposal proceeds will be spent on.

    So much for localism and community empowerment!