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Interview: Surrey’s Charity Catalyst Support Celebrates 35 Years

Catalyst Support is a mental health support charity that operates across Surrey. Reporter Aidan Todd speaks to its marketing and fundraising manager, Irina Bush. When did Catalyst Support begin and…

Photo Feature: Summer Has Arrived at the Castle Grounds

Sumer Is Icumen is the opening words of an old English song, meaning “summer has come” or “summer has arrived” – and that now seems to be true of Guildford…

Dragon Interview: Labour Candidate Sarah Gillinson

Which candidate will you choose to support on July 4th? Many of you might have already made up your minds but do you really know what the various candidates think…

Free Sessions to Help People Living with Arthritis

Versus Arthritis is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to supporting people with arthritis. It was launched in September 2018, following the legal merger of the two leading arthritis charities in…

Guildford Area u3a Now Offering Intermediate 20 Months’ Membership

The Guildford Area u3a (also known as the University of the Third Age) is an educational self-help organisation aimed at anyone who is retired or no longer working full-time, or…

Photo Feature: River Wey Continued to Rise Yesterday But Drier, Colder Weather Forecast

The River Wey continued to rise yesterday (January 5) and remained very high this morning, despite there being no further significant rainfall since Friday. Water from the catchment areas to…

Photo Feature: Significant Flooding Avoided – Just!

See latest photos below… A repeat of the damaging floods of a decade ago seems to have been avoided in Guildford this morning (January 5). Yesterday’s persistent and heavy rain…

Check Out the Latest News Within Our Community’s Voluntary Sector

Voluntary Action South West Surrey not only gives advice to people looking for volunteer roles, but works and supports groups, organisations and charities who need volunteers. It also promotes their…

Photo Feature: Stunning Images of Guildford Town

Here is a selection of super photographs featuring Guildford town, recently taken by Nicholas W – photographer from Stockholm. We hope you enjoy looking at them……

Looking Up Is Often Worthwhile

By Martin Giles Do you ever look up at the sky? There is often something interesting to see. Perhaps most frequently we look to assess the weather but there are…

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