Fringe Box



A New Waitrose Yes – But Re-Route The Traffic

Published on: 16 Jul, 2012
Updated on: 16 Jul, 2012

From Bernard Parke

Last evening it took me well over half an hour to drive less than half of a mile across Guildford via Stoke Road into the gyratory system.

This is the very area in which new Waitrose store is planned with its major customer traffic flow.

We in the past have tried to reduce this congestion even outside rush hour periods with a park and ride service and placing major stores outside the confirms of the old borough.

I am told that this congestion reaches a peak from 15.30 hours each day.

A new Waitrose yes!

However, either re-route all this through traffic or place the new store in a less congested zone.

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Responses to A New Waitrose Yes – But Re-Route The Traffic

  1. Bibhas Neogi

    August 12, 2012 at 2:14 pm

    Yes, it is really frustrating when one gets trapped in a traffic jam but even more frustrating when there are measures that could be taken to reduce congestion now.

    The problem at the junction of York Road and Stoke Road could be eased, for example, by constructing a turn around facility by York Road car park. The main problem during peak periods, as I see it, is for traffic wanting to turn right into York Road from Stoke Road but usually held up because of through traffic coming down Chertsey Street. A possible solution would be to make the offside lane in Stoke Road on the approach to the traffic lights a short bus lane and then traffic on the nearside lane could go either straight ahead or turn left into York Road and then turn around at this round about.

    The road layout near the car park could be altered with very little work into a round about as I have already described in my comments in connection with access into the proposed Waitrose site. Other factors of course contribute to the congestion in the gyratory and affect the feeders into it. These also require measures to improve flow.

    The long term aim should be to re-route and thus reduce through traffic but such measures are expensive e.g. requiring tunnels and viaducts and would therefore require funding from the Central Government.