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Birdwatcher’s Diary No.269

By Malcolm Fincham By the meteorological calendar the first day of winter is always December 1. Coincidently and simultaneously temperatures were continuing to slide bringing our first notable frosts. Fears…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.268

By Malcolm Fincham Inclement Atlantic westerlies continued the theme for November as we drifted into the second half of the month. Despite the forecast, my wife and I took the…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No. 267

By Malcolm Fincham Out of the blue, and just before November had the opportunity to open its doors, an invite came my way for another late autumn trip to Farlington…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.266

By Malcolm Fincham Warm westerly winds whipped in to the UK throughout the latter part of October as a ‘beefed-up’ Atlantic Jet Stream continued to command control, bringing low pressure…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.265

By Malcolm Fincham Although a little drier than the norm, October began on its usual autumnal theme as daylight hours rapidly began to close in. Surprisingly, however, since the first…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.264

By Malcolm Fincham As temperatures continued to stay just above average leading into the last weeks of September, several days of sunshine kept some of the birds moving south lingering…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.263

By Malcolm Fincham A change in the weather had occurred, coinciding with the turn of the page of my calendar, as we entered the first days of September and the metrological…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.262

By Malcolm Fincham For reasons beyond my control, my vision of keeping fortnightly reports seem to lose synchronicity about this time of year. Once again I can only apologise for…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.261: Close Encounters Of The Red Kite Kind!

By Malcolm Fincham Apart from my usual ventures, much of my time since mid-June through to the last weeks of July had been taken up watching a pair of red…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.260

By Malcom Fincham As we moved into the second half of July temperatures began to rise once again above 30c. This included a couple of days close to 40c. As…