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A Royal Visit

by Martin Giles When I heard the buzzing I thought another bumblebee had wandered in through the window and I got ready to usher it back outside. Then, when I…

Stag Hill By Name and Now Stag Hill By Nature

Stag Hill is believed to be so named because it was on the southern end of Forest of Windsor, reserved in medieval times for royal hunting parties. But since Guildford…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.207

By Malcolm Fincham As the April sun continued to shine I continued to make the most of my daily exercise allowance as the Covid-19 lockdown continued. The second half of…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Shock At Colony Losses

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon Beekeepers in Surrey have been reporting 30%, and higher, losses of honey bee colonies and they are shocked and confounded as to why it…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No. 206

By Malcolm Fincham As April unfurled, the sun continued to shine. Unfortunately, I continued to be restricted to birdwatching in my local areas within walking or cycling distance from my…

How Wildlife-friendly is Your Garden? Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Quiz Will Show You

If you want more butterflies and wildlife in your garden, take Surrey Wildlife Trust’s online wildlife garden quiz to get you started.  In less than two minutes, you’ll discover how…

Two Tawny Owlets Rescued After 35-foot Drop From Nest

by Hugh Coakley Specialists rescuers from the Wildlife Aid Foundation performed a daring 35 foot (10m) climb up a swaying tree in Worplesdon to replace two one-week old tawny owlets…

Letter: You Can Find Insect Wildlife in Every Park and Garden

From Harry Eve There may be something of interest lurking in any tree, bush, verge or your local park. I found this female green crab spider on a tree in…

Wildlife Trusts’ Free Insect Friendly Gardens Guide

At a time when more people, under threat from the Covid-19 pandemic, are spending more time in their gardens (if they are lucky enough to have one), The Wildlife Trusts…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.205

By Malcolm Fincham Finally! By the last weeks of March a settled spell of weather arrived around the southern areas of the UK. With high hopes, I planned ventures out…