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Birdwatcher’s Diary No.90

By Malcolm Fincham Not getting out as much as I would have liked to locally during the last few weeks of June, due to health reasons, I was surprised to…

Beekeeper’s Notes July 2015

Bees Dying By The Hundred! In the latest in a series of Hugh Coakley’s Beekeeper’s Notes, he writes about one of the disease problems that bee colonies face. American scientists recently reported that planet…

Richard’s Wey June 2015

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations I am pleased to say that I was very happy with how the Stoke length looked for the…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.89

By Malcolm Fincham Struggling with stressful pressures of modern life and not having fully got over the death of brother last November, my intention had been to drop my reports…

Beekeeper’s Notes June 2015

The Queen is dead – Long live the honeybee queen In the second of beekeeper Hugh Coakley’s diary notes he describes how honeybees work only for the best interests of their colony, not the queen.…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.88

By Malcolm Fincham There is a strict code of conduct within birdwatching circles at this time of the year, not to mention locations of rare nesting birds. This can make my…

Beekeeper’s Notes: May 2015

Introducing a new regular column by beekeeper Hugh Coakley from Worplesdon. He has been keeping bees for six years and certainly knows a good deal about about the fascinating and complex lives of…

A Walk On The Wild Side With Simon Cowell MBE

The Wildlife Aid Foundation is dedicated to the rescue, care and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned wild animals throughout Surrey. DANI MAIMONE reports from the charity’s base in Leatherhead. The majority…

Dragon Reader Asks: Is This A Wych Elm Or Which Elm Is It?

By Harry Eve Many think that elm trees are a part of the part of the pre-Dutch elm disease past, but Guildford Dragon Reader Harry Eve noticed a wych elm near…

By The Wey – Photo Feature

For readers wondering just how many cygnets we could expect from the Millmead Mutes by “Swan Lock” here is the answer… It’s a beautiful time down by our riverbank. Try…