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Birdwatcher’s Diary No.264

By Malcolm Fincham As temperatures continued to stay just above average leading into the last weeks of September, several days of sunshine kept some of the birds moving south lingering…

Surrey Wildlife Trust Urges Supporters to Oppose Government ‘Attack On Nature’  

Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) is urging supporters to contact their MP and voice opposition to government plans, calling the proposals to reform the UK’s planning, agriculture and conservation policies “an…

Notice: Free Webinars for Community Groups: How to Take Action for Nature

With evidence of a climate and nature crisis becoming clearer every day, Surrey Wildlife Trust is inviting community groups to a series of free webinars packed with inspirational ideas for…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Annual Debate On When The Central Heating Gets Turned On Starts

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon The annual debate between wifes and husbands about when to turn on the central heating was triggered by the sudden drop in temperature at…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.263

By Malcolm Fincham A change in the weather had occurred, coinciding with the turn of the page of my calendar, as we entered the first days of September and the metrological…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.262

By Malcolm Fincham For reasons beyond my control, my vision of keeping fortnightly reports seem to lose synchronicity about this time of year. Once again I can only apologise for…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Don’t Kill Our Native Hornets Terrifying Though They Can Seem

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon I don’t know whether you have ever seen a hornet close up. They are huge, about half the size of your thumb. To see…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.261: Close Encounters Of The Red Kite Kind!

By Malcolm Fincham Apart from my usual ventures, much of my time since mid-June through to the last weeks of July had been taken up watching a pair of red…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.260

By Malcom Fincham As we moved into the second half of July temperatures began to rise once again above 30c. This included a couple of days close to 40c. As…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Bees Have Feelings Too

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon “Bees can count, recognise images of human faces and learn simple tool use and abstract concepts,” says Lars Chittka, professor of sensory and behavioural…