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Lovelace By-Election – Candidate Interview – Ben Paton Conservative

The Conservative nomination for the Lovelace by-election has been announced. It is Ben Paton an Ockham resident, a member of the Guildford Greenbelt Group and a vociferous opponent of the…

Lovelace By-Election – Candidate Interview – Colin Cross Lib Dem

The Liberal Democrats were the first to announce a candidate nomination for the Guildford Borough Council by-election in Lovelace ward, in the north-east of Guildford borough covering Ripley, Wisley and…

Dragon Interview: James Barber, Director of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

Being in charge of any theatre these days is a challenge especially so, perhaps, for smaller, provincial theatres such as ours in Guildford, the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre. Here the director…

Dragon Interview: Harry Aldridge – Ukip’s Parliamentary Candidate for Guildford

Have you heard of Harry Aldridge? Probably not – but the chances are that, unless you determinedly switch off to all things political, you will – because he is the…

Dragon Interview – Julian Lyon – Guildford Society Spokesman on the Local Plan

Julian Lyon is a member of The Guildford Society charged with leading its contribution to the Local Plan. Here, in his thoughtful responses, we find out a little more about his…

Dragon Interview: Richard Wilson – Guildford’s Prospective Parliamentary Labour Candidate

Some might feel that standing as the Labour party candidate in Guildford would be a demoralising task, but its new parliamentary candidate for our constituency remains optimistic that support can grow.…

Dragon Interview: New Lib Dem Group Leader – Caroline Reeves

The Liberal Democrat group at Guildford Borough council have just announced the appointment of a new leader, Cllr Caroline Reeves. Wasting no time, the Dragon quickly caught up with her…

Dragon Interview: Tony Scott, GuilFest Organiser

Guildford resident Tony Scott has been organising music festivals in the area for more than 20 years. He’s a businessman with his own marquee hire firm who is also passionate…

Dragon Interview: Lynne McVernon on Getting Her First Novel Published

There are many aspiring authors among us and, as the old saying goes, we all have a book within us. That might be true but few get published. Even if…

Dragon Interview: Murray Grubb Jnr

Murray Grubb Jnr is the Conservative borough councillor for Ash Wharf. He was elected at a by-election in April, so has only been a borough councillor for six months, but…