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‘Veil of Secrecy’ Claim Over Wisley Proposals Denied by Planning Councillor

Accusations that Guildford planners are drawing a “veil of secrecy” over their negotiations with the company hoping to develop green belt land at the former Wisley airfield have been denied…

Lead Councillor For Heritage Responds to Archaeological Society’s Comments

The lead councillor responsible for heritage has responded to statements from the Surrey Archaeological Society (SAS) and the Friends of Guildford Museum in the article Future of Guildford’s Most Important…

A Busy Day For Guildford’s Abseiling Mayor

The Mayor of Guildford took her life in her hands, well almost, on Saturday (September 5) to help support a charity campaign. The mayor, Nikki Nelson-Smith, abseiled with her family 160…

Guildford Initiative to Help Calais Refugees Receives ‘Fantastic Response’

A Guildford initiative to help refugees in Calais has taken off in the wake of the recent refugee crisis across Europe. “Born and bred” Guildfordian, Christina Manning who lives in…

Future of Guildford’s Most Important Historic Artefacts In Doubt

Guildford Museum might soon be left without the majority of its most important exhibits if the Surrey Archaeological Society (SAS), recently given notice to quit its 100-year-old home at Castle Arch…

Council Says: Elections Looming – Make Sure You Are Registered To Vote

With the possibility of a referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU next year and the Police and Crime Commissioner election due to take place in May 2016, Guildford…

Shop Assistants Grabbed in Foiled Robbery at One Stop Shop

Detectives from Guildford CID are investigating a robbery at the One Stop shop in Ripley and are appealing to the public for help. Two men entered the shop, grabbing two…

Milestones to Measure Progress of New Local Plan To Be Set Out

Local people and businesses will have another chance to comment on and help shape the next draft of 20-year Local Plan for Guildford in June-July 2016. To date, the Local…

Mixed Reactions to Guildford Town Centre Masterplan Report

The Guildford Town Centre Masterplan Report has attracted mixed reactions from two organisations closely involved in local planning matters. Cllr Susan Parker (GGG, Send), the leader of the Guildford Greenbelt…

Holy Trinity Church Tower Repairs Essential If Bells Are To Keep Pealing

The bells at Holy Trinity church, at the top of Guildford High Street, could fall silent if repairs are not successfully carried out. It has been noticed, and not just…