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Opinion: Jez We Can – In Guildford Too

By Martin Giles Surely the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour party is of little importance to Guildford? We are widely regarded as one of the truest,…

Citizens Speak: Views on Guildford Museum

Guildford Museum faces an uncertain future. Some councillors appear to believe that the best option is for it to move from Quarry Street and become part of a “visitor centre”,…

Opinion: It’s Heritage Weekend – Have Your Say On Guildford’s Museum

By Gavin Morgan It’s Heritage Weekend again and Guildford is one of the best places to be. Thousands of properties in hundreds of towns across the country will be opening…

Opinion: Should We Want A New Guildford Museum or a Surrey County Museum

By Gavin Morgan Gavin Morgan is a member of the Surrey Archaeological Society, the Guildford Society and is a friend of Guildford Museum. He has worked under former curator Matthew…

The Dragon Says: Let’s Create A Museum That Future Generations Will Appreciate

In the debate over the sad state of affairs at Guildford Museum everyone seems to agree on one thing: the museum, as it stands, is failing. Annual attendance numbers, it…

Opinion: Who Did You Vote For In Your Parish Council Election?

By Bill Nelson Bill Nelson is the chairman of Seale and Sands Parish Council. In a series of articles he will explore the role of parish councils in local government…

Opinion: Why We Students Support an Elected Mayor Referendum

by Mustie Smith President, University of Surrey Students’ Union Most of the comments on the petition to have a referendum on whether Guildford should have an elected mayor, or not,…

Opinion: Guildford Has a Great Heritage and Deserves a Decent Museum

By Gavin Morgan Gavin Morgan is a member of the Surrey Archaeological Society, the Guildford Society and is a friend of Guildford Museum. He has worked under former curator Matthew…

Opinion: Problems At Gypsy & Traveller Site Do Need Attention

By Chris Dick Chairman of the Effingham Residents’ Association Following Martin Giles’ interview with Monika Juneja, I thought it might be beneficial to consider what the Guildford Borough Council (GBC) meeting Ms…

Opinion: EVEL Good – GVGP Better

By Martin Giles The barefaced cheek of the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) MPs in hijacking the vote on fox hunting is likely to annoy many of us south of the…