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The Dragon Says: Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done

We are all familiar with the maxim: Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done*. But not at Guildford Borough Council (GBC), it seems to prefer its…

The Dragon Says: Will There Be Enough Names To Make New War Memorial Viable?

An additional war memorial is being considered to commemorate persons from Guildford who died in military action or service post-Second World War. Guildford Borough Council has announced the plan and is…

The Dragon Says: Decent Councillors Must Insist On Cultural Change

The Dragon Says: Decent Councillors Must Insist On Cultural Change

Was the prompt reply from Sue Sturgeon, the managing director of Guildford Borough Council to complainant and Dragon reader, Nick Bomford, a straw in the wind, an indication of a…

The Dragon Says: More Urgency Required Over Bridge Street Safety

Anyone who listened to the eloquent 20-year-old student, George Bowen, on Tuesday, relating to Guildford Borough Council (GBC) a statement from the partner of one of those killed in the…

The Dragon Says: Cllr Moseley Must Apologise For Her ‘Bloody Rabble’ Remark

Who of us can say that we have never said something in the heat of the moment that we have regretted? When tempers are roused it is easy to say…

The Dragon Says: Readers Have A Right To Comment, The Dragon Is Right To Scrutinise

Who would be a council leader? The pay is modest, the responsibilities and time demands heavy and the likelihood of popularity, in current times at least, almost negligible. At the…

The Dragon Says: EU Referendum To Be Decided With Hearts Not Minds?

The previous Dragon opinion piece on the forthcoming EU referendum has confirmed one thing at least. The EU excites debate and polarises opinion. There have been more comments on that article…

The Dragon Says: Attention Needed At Litter ‘Grot Spots’ Volunteer Pickers Cannot Reach

By David Rose There have been several comments to the story in which Guildford MP Anne Milton is encouraging people to undertake community litter picking ahead of the Queen’s 90th…

The Dragon Says: EU – In Or Out?

The referendum to decide whether the UK stays in the European Union looms closer. It could be as early as June this year. It will be one of the most…

Opinion: Pssst… Don’t Talk To The Dragon

If you are reading this you are probably already more interested in Guildford’s local politics than most. That’s good. We should all be interested. As we often have said, the…