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Fairlands Women’s Institute In Danger Of Closing

The Guildford Dragon NEWS welcomes reports and news of events from Women’s Institute groups that meet in the borough of Guildford. They will be published in this section of the website. Email…

Notice: Fairlands WI’s Fashion Shopping Evening

Fairlands Women’s Institute says: People have a stereotypical view of what the WI is, such as knitting, crocheting, and needlecraft. Mention WI and it conjures up tea and nice home-baked cakes.…

History of Guildford, Course Commences September 17

Twenty classes, commencing September 17, explaining the history of Guildford, given by Guildford’s hon remembrancer and former museum curator Matthew Alexander.…

Notice: Guildford Castle Grounds Events 2015

See the programme of events, concerts and plays, to be held in the Castle Grounds This summer.…

Notice: Why Not Take Up Bowls With Castle Green Bowling Club?

For more details call club captain Colin Summerhayes on 01483 575948 or Shirley West 01483 563071.  …

GBC Handy Person Scheme

Guildford Borough Council’s Care and Repair Agency is pleased to offer a Handy Person Scheme which may be able to assist you with small works to your property, if you…

The Ghost Tour of Guildford

A horrible way to spend an evening… Runs: Good Friday to end of November Every Friday at 8pm and on Halloween – 31st October Meeting Point: In front of Holy…

Local History Talks by David Rose

Local History Talks by David Rose