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Letter: Council Planning Business Continues As Usual

From Cllr Monika Juneja Lead councillor for planning at Guildford Borough Council This letter is in response to a letter from Dr Paul Cragg: Who Is Managing the Guildford Local…

Letter: The Draft Local Plan Is Not Logical

From Graham Moore The logic of Guildford’s Draft Local Plan is flawed. It is not a plan, it is merely a forecast, an extrapolation of very recent trends, assuming that…

Letter: We Won’t Need A Congestion Charge in Utopian Guildford

From John Robson Do we really need a congestion charge? Surely the residents from the futuristic garden neighbourhoods on the extremity of the town’s urban area will all be walking,…

Letter: Who Is Managing the Guildford Local Plan Now?

From Dr Paul Cragg Having just heard of the precipitate departure of the head of planning, Carole Humphrey, I wanted to address a couple of questions to the council Executive…

Letter: When Will Government Claims That We Need To Build On the Green Belt Stop?

From Diane Maxfield When will any government, of any political flavour, ever really take the bull by the horns and stop claiming that it is necessary to build on the…

Letter: Why Is Our Housing Number Out of Step With Nearby Local Authorities?

From Peta Malthouse Why is it that all other boroughs and district councils in Surrey have a annual build number around 300-350* and Guildford persist with 680? This is what…

Letter: Dragon Poll on High Rise v. Green Belt Development Needed More Options

From Lisa Wright I was surprised to see that your recent  survey requesting people to choose between building high rise housing or developing green belt sites was so limited. These…

Letter: Do You Remember 1968 Sit In at Guildford School of Art?

From Callum Burke of Evans Woolfe Media The Guildford School of Art Sit In 1968. Were you there, can you provide any information? Evans Woolfe Media is an educational film production…

Letter: Should Guildford Consider a Congestion Charge?

From Bernard Parke Everyone of us realises that the present traffic cannot be allowed to continue, but will tinkering with the notorious gyratory system be the answer? Any changes will…

Letter: The Guildford Society Should Be Seeking A New Broom Not Offering Support

From Ben Paton Mr Stokoe [in his letter The Guildford Society Offers Support to Councillors proclaims the benefits of acting “diligently, apolitically and professionally”. Was it “diligent” of GBC not…