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Letter: Alderman Regrets Demise Of The Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra

From Bernard Parke, Hon. Alderman It is with very great regret that I learn from The Guildford Dragon NEWS of the early demise of one of Guildford’s cherished culture facilities.…

Letter: Guildford Excellence – Don’t Forget The Green Economy

From Peter Slade Alderman Bridger is to be congratulated on producing some excellent suggestions on the way ahead for Guildford in his opinion piece: How Can We Make Guildford A…

Letter: Waitrose Plan – How The York Road Subway Could Be Retained

From Bibhas Neogi Further to Bill Stokoe’s  letter ‘Waitrose – Planning Assumptions are Wrong’ I would like to add that on street parking bays usually have 30 mins maximum stay,…

Letter: Park & Ride Plan And Missed Opportunities

From Julian Lyon I was at the Meeting of the Planning Committee meeting and found the Park & Ride debate a bizarre discussion. Putting aside Cllr Taylor voting with pre-determination…

Letter: Waitrose Traffic & Subway Closure

From Bibhas Neogi Cllr Caroline Reeves, in her comment on my letter Waitrose Planning – Closing the subway was a mistake’, said: “Surrey County Council confirmed in writing that ……

Letter: Waitrose Approval – No Active Debate

From John Rigg Director of Guildford Vision Group Tuesday night’s decision to approve the Waitrose application on the residential-zoned Bellerby Theatre site contradicts so many established planning maxims. But such…

Letter: Waitrose Planning Approval – Closing The Subway Is A Mistake

From Bibas Neoghi There are two crucial aspects of this planning application that the Councillors who voted in favour ignored to take into account. These are the decision to close…

Letter: Waitrose Application – Traffic Assumptions Are Wrong

From Bill Stokoe Member, Guildford Vision Group, Steering Group I wish to call into question the quality of GBC planning advocacy in connection with the Waitrose store application before GBC’s…

Letter: Keep Politics Out Of Policing

From Bernard Parke Hon. Alderman In  just under two weeks time we will be asked to vote for a Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner . Few, if any, of the candidates…

Letter: Will Any Police Commissioner Be Able To Be Effective?

From Peter Webb STAG (Surrey Tax Action Group) I have not decided to vote for a police commissioner yet, and will certainly not support any party political candidate. I have …