Fringe Box



Letter: Hopeful Signs From New Council Leader

Published on: 8 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 12 Oct, 2012

From Gordon Bridger

Hon Alderman

I am very pleased that we appear to have a Leader, at last, who is prepared to listen and appreciates that, while business and profits are critical to the future of Guildford, one needs to look at their indirect and long term effects, and take into account community benefits and costs. He also appears to appreciate the importance to our economy of knowledge and science based enterprise built around the University.

I hope he will be looking into the deplorable state of staff morale too and do something about it.

While clearly one wants as low a Council Tax as possible, my own experience with finance was that the economies one can make are not noticed or appreciated by taxpayers (we only account for 10%). For one of the wealthiest societies in Britain and indeed the world an obsession with cuts should not be confused with a desirable need for efficiency.

Hopeful signs.

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