Fringe Box



Letter: New Park & Ride – We Need to Think Of The Impact On Other Roads Too

Published on: 12 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 12 Oct, 2012

From Cllr Adrian Chandler (Con, Onslow)

I felt that the meeting held in the Park Barn Centre on 4th October was excellent. It  allowed the residents to air many deep seated issues and emphasised how urgent it is to find solutions to the serious traffic and parking problems.

A number of solutions are ongoing but the big question was whether this park and ride scheme would help. I would have liked to see direct access from the A3 and possibly some solution embedded in the scheme for the Beechcroft Drive access rather than pressure increased on Egerton Road.

However, I think we also have to consider whether this scheme may ease traffic along The Chase, Farnham Road and the link roads in between, that lead towards Guildford. These have their own big issues for those residents who live on them.

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