Fringe Box



New Green Lane No Parking Signs Destroyed Within Days Of Installation

Published on: 31 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 1 Nov, 2012

One of the vandalised passing place signs

New signs, in the controversial bridleway Green Lane, have been destroyed within days of erection. The signs were replacements of others which had met a similar fate.

The three new signs showed that lay-bys on the newly bollarded lane are to be used as passing places and not for parking. One of the three signs still remains.

A sign before it was destroyed

Some of those who have regularly used the lane for recreational purposes for years are known to be aggrieved by the newly imposed restrictions which follow the discovery of the lane’s bridleway status during the processing of planning applications for new houses constructed on the lane.

Walkers used to use unofficial lay-bys to park their cars but this is not legal on bridleways. The only vehicle access permitted, at all, is for those who live on the lane or their visitors.

Bollards all along the lane were erected in August. On the right can be seen on of the passing places.

The lane has also suffered from anti social behaviour. Some who have parked up at night time are believed to have engaged in drinking, drug taking and sexual activity. Litter and other evidence of the goings-on have been regularly found.

One regular walker in the area said: “The removal of the signs could cause accidents as cars and even camper vans are parking in them, preventing their intended use as passing places.”

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