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Lib Dems Select Former Councillor As Parliamentary Candidate

In case the government calls a general election before it’s five year term ends, Lib Dems across the country have been selected prospective parliamentary candidates. Here in Guildford a “key…

Dragon Interview: Lib Dem Councillors on Party Division Over Local Plan

Cracks within the Conservative group at Millmead may have been confirmed in the council debate on the revised draft Local Plan but a wider gulf was revealed within the nine-strong…

Dragon Interview: Angela Gunning on the Labour Party Leadership Election

Angela Gunning, is Guildford’s only Labour borough councillor, representing Stoke ward. The Dragon asked for her views on the current leadership election campaign currently underway. What do you think of…

Juneja Investigator Kept No Records of Interviews

A notice from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has revealed that Guildford Borough Council’s (GBC) independent investigator into the complaint against former councillor Monika Juneja, kept no records of the…

Council Group Leader Interview: Caroline Reeves – Liberal Democrats

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…

Council Group Leader Interview: John Morris – The Peace Party

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…

Council Group Leader Interview: Angela Gunning – Labour

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…

Council Group Leader Interviews: Tony Ferris – Independent

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…

Council Group Leader Interview : Harry Aldridge – UKIP

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…

Council Group Leader Interviews: Susan Parker – GGG

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…