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Review: A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Guildford Shakespeare Company

By Alice Fowler What better way to spend a hot summer’s night in Guildford than watching top-flight, open air theatre on our doorstep? Coinciding with the heatwave is the Guildford…

Have A Surprising Midsummer Night’s Dream

By Alice Fowler Four young lovers lost in a wood, warring fairies and a group of hapless amateur actors… So far so familiar, you might think. But the Guildford Shakespeare…

Review: Twelfth Night – Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

By Alice Fowler Shakespeare? Seen it all before, right? Anyone for whom the bard equates with boredom should hotfoot it to the Yvonne Arnaud theatre this week, where a thrilling…

Review: Metamorphosis – Yvonne Arnaud Mill Studio

By Alice Fowler How would you transform into a beetle? And how would your family react if you did?? This was the challenge facing one of the actors in Metamorphosis…

Is Your Dog a Star? Last Call for Canine Casting

By Alice Fowler Does your dog have star quality, a gift for theatricals and a secret wish to tread the boards? If so, your pet may be exactly what the…

Will’s Birthday Bash – On Offer, Thespian Perambulations

By Alice Fowler Will’s Birthday Bash is the Guildford Shakespeare Company’s annual celebration of William Shakespeare birthday, April 23 1564: which this year makes the great man 453. The award-winning…

Review: GSC’s Julius Ceasar Is Something Special

By Alice Fowler From the moment the hardly settled audience in Holy Trinity church is asked to produce a Mexican wave – which they did, quite successfully – you know…

Esquires – Guildford’s Latest Coffee Shop Offering

By Alice Fowler Guildford’s coffee lovers have a new must-visit destination – Esquires, recently opened on the Upper High Street, opposite the Harbour Hotel. Not quite an independent – this…

Dragon Interview: Tom Oldroyd – Local Boy Made Good

Dragon Interview: Tom Oldroyd – Local Boy Made Good

As a teenager Tom Oldroyd earnt money washing up in pubs around Guildford. Today, at 34, he has his own critically acclaimed London restaurant. Alice Fowler caught up with him…

Shop Front: Kids Emporium Has Confidence in Guildford

By Alice Fowler Mothers to be and parents of young children have a new destination store in Guildford – Kids Emporium, which opened three weeks ago in White Lion Walk.…