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Riff Raff Diary – March 2018

Riff Raff Diary – March 2018

Riverbank tales from the local St Catherine’s lengthsman and weir keeper by Robert Craig Now at the end of February, the sun is shining and there is snow on the ground.…

Letter: Opinion Piece On Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan Was Balanced

From Hannah Davis In response to: Examiner Did Not Support Residents Association Views On Housing Numbers For Effingham I read the original article by Chris Dick and thought it reasonably balanced…

Richard’s Wey February 2018

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations In regards to weir operation, January felt decidedly like a continuation of December – very, very busy! The…

Riff Raff Diary – February 2018

Riff Raff Diary – February 2018

Riverbank tales from the local St Catherine’s lengthsman and weir keeper by Robert Craig The weather conditions in January meant that my time was divided between operating my weirs and…

Richard’s Wey January 2018

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations I’d like to begin by wishing you all a happy new year! Time seems to be absolutely flying…

Riff Raff Diary – January 2018

Riverbank tales from the local St Catherine’s lengthsman and weir keeper by Robert Craig December for me was mainly spent focusing on my weir keeping duties. I also took some…

Richard’s Wey December 2017

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations The past few weeks may have seen the first cold snap of this winter but at least the…

Riff Raff Diary – December 2017

Riff Raff Diary – December 2017

Riverbank tales from the local St Catherine’s lengthsman and weir keeper by Robert Craig The beginning of November started well with a day working in Shalford Nature Reserve with the…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.150

By Malcolm Fincham As winter’s shadowy fingers began to caress the Surrey hillsides, brushing more leaves from its ‘broad leaves’, our overwintering birds began to struggle to escape my camera…

Richard’s Wey November 2017

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations You may remember last month that I mentioned Old Bucks weir near Bowers Lock had been dewatered for…