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Revised Plan Submitted for Guildford Railway Station

A revised plan for a controversial redevelopment of Guildford railway station has been submitted to Guildford Borough Council (GBC). Solum Regeneration, the partnership between Network Rail and Kier Property, wants…

Letter: We Need A Modern, Fully Integrated Transport Hub in Guildford

From Barry Williams Lord Adonis of the National Infrastructure Commission is reported as saying that he expects towns such as Oxford, Guildford, Reading and Stratford upon Avon will need to double in…

Letter: A Raft Over The Railway Station Is Not Practical

From Bibhas Neogi In response to Julian Lyon’s letter: Guildford Will Need A Strong Leader. Has Guildford Society sought advice from any firm of consultants about the viability of building…

Letter: A Solution To Guildford’s Traffic Problem Must Be Equitable For All Road Users

From Bibhas Neogi The vision for Guildford by Allies and Morrison is excellent no doubt but there has to be much more balanced approach to making the town pedestrian friendly.…

Vision Group Expresses Support for Masterplan at Public Meeting

Guildford Vision Group (GVG) this week came out strongly in favour of the outline plans for the centre of Guildford. Group spokesmen applauded Guildford Borough Council for commissioning the Town…

Opinion: What Does The General Election Result Mean for Guildford?

By Martin Giles So it’s all done and dusted. Against all expectations the Tory’s have won an outright majority, Dave has been to see the Queen and given his victory…

Opinion: Why I Am Pessimistic for Guildford

By Martin Giles The other day I introduced a stranger to Guildford. I showed her along an ancient pedestrian route from Buryfields, down Porridge Pot Alley, over the River Wey,…

MP Says Plans For Railway Station Redevelopment Are ‘Short-sighted’

Guildford’s MP, Anne Milton is calling for a more joined up plan to redevelop Guildford railway station. She recently responded to Solum Regeneration’s consultation saying the plan is ‘premature’. She also…

‘Metropolitan Scale’ Of Railway Station Plan Shocks Meeting Hosted by The Guildford Society

The ‘massive metropolitan-scale’ buildings planned for the revamp of Guildford railway station shocked those who attended a public meeting about the scheme, say The Guildford Society, who hosted the gathering. A…

Letter: Station Plan Appears To Be About Building Properties

From Bibhas Neogi I attended The Guildford Society’s meeting on Wednesday (January 21) about Solum’s planning application for the development of the railway station site. There isn’t much in the…