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Letter: Guildford Needs a Different Attitude to Change

From: J Taylor In response to: I Find the Idea That St Mary’s Wharf Would Be Worse Than the Current Eyesore Baffling Having watched all of the consultations by the…

Letter: Do We Want Debenham’s Left Empty For Years? I Think Not

From: Roger Main former general manager at Debenham’s, Guildford In response to: Nine Storeys Proposed for Debenhams Replacement ‘St Mary’s Wharf’ As I have previously commented, the St Mary’s Wharf…

Letter: Debenhams – What’s Your View?

From: Gavin Morgan I was amazed that 207 people objected to the plans for a floodlit sports ground at Urnfield but that only 13 have commented on the plans for…

The Debenhams Site Is in a Conservation Area for a Reason

From: Gavin Morgan Founder of the Guildford Heritage Forum The attraction of Guildford is that it is a modern, prosperous town that retains a lot of historic character and is…

Letter: The Guildford Society is Not Nimby

From: Alistair Smith Chair of the Guildford Society In response to: Debenhams – Let’s Not Get Nimby I am afraid Bill Stokoe GVG [Guildford Vision Group] chairman will be shouting…

Letter: Debenham’s Redevelopment Should Respect Town’s Heritage and Valley Setting

From Peter Coleman, RIBA In response to: Only A Minority Oppose North Street and Debenhams Developments Finds Survey The Debenhams proposals are too high and too bulky in their massing.…

Plans Emerge For Ex-Debenhams in Second Consultation

By Hugh Coakley Please scroll to the end of this story for images of the final store closure. A second round of consultation on St Mary’s Wharf, the former Debenhams…

Debenhams Faces Demolition As People Asked How They Want It Rebuilt

By Hugh Coakley Initial plans for “one of the most critical sites in Guildford”, including demolition of the former Debenhams building, were revealed this week (March 18) by the developer,…

Dragon Interview: New Ash Councillor Outlines The Challenges The Village Faces

By David Reading Long-time Ash Vale resident Richard Lucas has been co-opted on to Ash Parish Council following the resignation of Cllr Helen Gorham. Cllr Gorham stepped down on November…

Heritage Open Days: Remember To Visit The Lesser Known Venues Too

This year’s Heritage Open Days takes place from Friday to Sunday, September 9 to 11 and there are many interesting buildings to visit with a wealth of history in the…