Fringe Box



River Wey Water Level Update

Published on: 29 Apr, 2012
Updated on: 2 May, 2012

Update 2nd May

With less rainfall the river has returned to well within its normal range. The height was measured this morning at 3.30am as 1.43m. Flooding is not considered likely until the level reaches 2.45m.

Regular updates will now cease on The Guildford Dragon until the threat level increases.

Below are reports from earlier recent days.

Update 1st May

Despite overnight thunderstorms the water level continues to recede. It was reported to  1.95m at 6.45am.

Update 30th April

The water level has risen since yesterday as the river takes on the water that has fallen over the weekend. At 8.15am the height was measured at 2.01m which is still within its normal range. Towards the end of the day at 7.30pm it had receded slightly to 1.99m.

Update 29th April

Despite heavy rain overnight and some localised flooding on roads the height of the River Wey remains well within its normal range. At 4.30 am it was measured at 1.58m, at 9am it had risen to 1.62m and at 1.30pm 1.81m. (source EA website)

Update 28th April

The Environment Agency website shows that there are no flood alerts in the entire south east region. The height measured at 9.45am today was 1.5m, a significant drop since Thursday. However more rain is expected today and over the weekend. Flooding is not considered likely until the height reaches 2.45m.

[thethe-image-slider name=”Flood Warning”]

Photos by Lorimer Burn©

The River Wey in Guildford was seen to be rising higher and higher this morning as heavy rain continued to fall.

The only official flood alerts shown for the south east region, shown on the Environment Agency website at 10.30 today (26 April), were for the River Blackwater to the west and the River Mole to the East. A ‘flood alert’ is issued when flooding is considered possible and those at risk should be prepared.

However, with more rain forecast over the next few days those living close to the river, in areas known to be prone to flooding, are bound to be concerned.

3.30pm Updatem

The official water level measured at 12.30pm was 2.10m a rise of 20cms since this morning but still below the level were flooding is likely. River water was seen to be just lapping over onto the towpath under Onslow Bridge.

[thethe-image-slider name=”Flood warning 2″]

6pm Update

These photos were taken by David Rose at Bowers Lock, Burpham, late this afternoon. The river was flowing very fast through the navigation channel. Signs of the times at the lock were somewhat interesting: a notice stapled to the lock gates warning of drought conditions with a recently added sign warning boaters not to proceed beyond this point due to flooding! Guildford Boathouse’s Alfred Leroy is moored in the lock itself, preventing other craft from using the lock.


Further rainfall is expected this week, The Guildford Dragon will continue to monitor the situation and update this report as necessary.


Below are reports from earlier recent days.


Further rainfall is expected this week, The Guildford Dragon will continue to monitor the situation and update this report as necessary.


Below are reports from earlier recent days.

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