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Motorist Grabs Runaway Car in Lawn Road, Guildford

Published on: 20 Aug, 2012
Updated on: 20 Aug, 2012

Police, residents and motorists discuss the runaway car brought to a halt by the brave action of nearby car driver. Photo – Eddie Ward

A runaway car had to be ‘restrained’ in Lawn Road Guildford this afternoon after it had been left, apparently, without having its hand brake properly applied.

A local resident reported that the car, a black Audi TT convertible, was first noticed to be moving, with no driver in control, by another motorist who had parked nearby. The motorist, it is thought, managed to prevent the car rolling further by standing in front of it, then together with two others pushed it towards the side of the road and chocked the wheels to allow traffic to pass.

The car was stopped partially blocking the entrance to Southbury flats. Police were called and have taken charge of the situation. It is understood that they are in the process of contacting the owner.

“If the car had not been stopped it could have continued rolling down into the entrance of the council offices”, said one witness.

By 6.30pm the car had left and the road was clear.

If you have any local news stories please do let The Guildford Dragon NEWS know by email to or phone 07796 930 355. Please include photographs wherever possible.

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