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Home » 2012 (Page 16)

Lion Walk Welcomes Sanbei

White Lion Walk has entered the digital age with the arrival of a new store to its covered shopping complex. Sanbei Mobile Phone Accessories is a chain of six stores…

See The Sky Lit Up With Fireworks Over Stoke Park

Guildford Lions’ Firework Fiesta takes place in Stoke Park on Monday, November 5, with thousands expected to watch the pyrotechnics light up the night sky. A torch-lit procession makes its…

Letter: Keep Politics Out Of Policing

From Bernard Parke Hon. Alderman In  just under two weeks time we will be asked to vote for a Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner . Few, if any, of the candidates…

Letter: Will Any Police Commissioner Be Able To Be Effective?

From Peter Webb STAG (Surrey Tax Action Group) I have not decided to vote for a police commissioner yet, and will certainly not support any party political candidate. I have …

Opinion: Great Store, Wrong Site, Bad Plan

By John Rigg Director, Guildford Vision Group At the Planning Committee this Tuesday, 6th November, councillors have a golden opportunity to set the town on a new path, to take…

Prince’s Trust Teams Help Young People Back Into Work

Guildford YMCA has been successfully running its Prince’s Trust Team programme for a number of years. it’s a tried and tested format has seen a huge number of young people…

Police and County Council Launch Autumn Speeding Campaign

Surrey Police and Surrey County Council have launched a joint campaign to remind motorists about the dangers they pose to themselves and others, by speeding and not concentrating on the…

Millmead Views: Past Traditions And Future Opportunities

by Matt Furniss Conservative GBC Councillor for Christchurch Ward Lead Councillor for Environmental and Support Services Tradition is not a bad conception. It gives you a sense continuity, of belonging…

Guildford County School Party Return From Hurricane Sandy Ordeal

The party of sixth form students arrived back safely from the the United States where their itinerary had been curtailed by the onset of Hurricane Sandy. One teacher has remained…

The Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra To Be Outsourced

The Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra (GPO), which has existed since 1945, was finally killed off last night (November 1), at least in its current form. In a special meeting of Guildford…