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Life in Solitary – So It’s Goodbye from Him…

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards There Used to be a Word for That There’s quite a lot of nidification going on in my garden this week.  And, no, I…

Life in Solitary: New Normal, New Greetings, Same Old Green Belt Battles

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Preparing for the New Normal Waitrose has stopped selling shoe polish due to a fall in demand. They say lock-down workers have been wearing…

Life in Solitary: Another Lockdown Birthday

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Another Lockdown Birthday I’m an Aries (March 21 to April 20) so I celebrated my second birthday in lockdown last week – not having…

Life in Solitary: Beware of Masked, ‘Musical’ Tradesmen

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards My Masked Singer Service Engineer The man who came to fix the washing machine this week had Van Gogh’s ear for music.  I know…

Life in Solitary: How Are Your Quirks?

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Questioning Our Quirks in Lockdown I’ve noticed lately that I reach for my specs when I answer the telephone.  I know – sounds a…

Life in Solitary: Use Your Right of Reply

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Repelling Rip-off “Phone Callers” We’re in the grip of a plague of phoney ‘phone calls if recent posts on the neighbourhood hub “Nextdoor” are…

Life in Solitary: Can You Smiz?

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Let’s All Get ‘Smizing’ Behind the Face Masks I’ve suddenly realised that smiles have effectively been banned from public places now that the law…

Life in Solitary: Are You an Ignoranus?

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Logical Lockdown Lingo I’ve got a new word for our ever-expanding lockdown language. Ignoranus – one who is a bit of an arse for…

Life in Solitary: And a Happy Christmas to You, Whoever You Are

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards The Annual Christmas Card Mystery I get one every year; a Christmas card from someone whose name I can’t quite read or don’t recognise.…

Life in Solitary: Gentle Wind Can Be Offensive

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards A Novel Complaint I’ve just received a complaint about a novel I wrote a while back. It was from a woman who says she’s…

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