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A ‘Good’ Ofsted Inspection Is A Remarkable Turn Around For Kings College

Published on: 13 Sep, 2018
Updated on: 14 Sep, 2018

Kings College in Park Barn, Guildford, has been rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted following its latest inspection – charting a remarkable turnaround for the school.

Staff and pupils at Kings College are delighted with its latest Ofsted inspection that rated the school “good”. The school sees it as a remarkable turn around.

The inspection, which took place in July, commended the school for its leadership, the quality of teaching and the personal development, welfare and behaviour of its students. 

Inspectors noted: “Leaders’ determined and focused actions have promoted rapid school improvement.” And that the wider staff share the commitment to ensuring that pupils’ academic and pastoral needs are met. It also found that “…students are learning well because of the consistently effective teaching they are getting at the school.”

The report also said that students themselves report that behaviour has improved dramatically since the last inspection and that: “Staff have transformed the atmosphere in the school through raising expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils appreciate the clear rules that are now in place and the consistency with which teachers apply them. As a result, pupils conduct themselves well as a matter of course.”

The rating change comes 18 months after an earlier inspection, in December 2016, found that the school required significant improvements in the provision of teaching. 

When the initial judgement was made, headteacher Alastair McKenzie stated publically that he had no interest in the school simply moving up one category to “requires improvement”, but that he would make improvements in the quality of education to such an extent that the school would jump straight to “Good”.

The school acknowledges this was a bold statement, as it is a feat rarely achieved at secondary level, and certainly not within the timescales identified.

Mr McKenzie said this week: “I have always believed in our students, in the skill and professionalism of the teachers and professionals at school, and in the passion and aspirations of our parents and the wider community.”

“We are delighted that Ofsted have formally recognised the huge improvements that have been made here at Kings. We have developed a highly focused academic atmosphere and students are thriving with the high expectations we have of them. 

“It was particularly pleasing that so many of our students and parents sought out inspectors to talk about how much they enjoy their school and how proud they are of their own progress. 

“With our partnership with the University of Surrey, the Royal Grammar School and the wider Guildford Education Partnership, we will continue to go from strength to strength. We look forward to welcoming families interested in seeing for themselves the high quality educational provision we offer at our open evening on September 25 and our open mornings on October 2 and 3.”

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Responses to A ‘Good’ Ofsted Inspection Is A Remarkable Turn Around For Kings College

  1. S Tokunaga (Mrs) Reply

    September 15, 2018 at 8:59 am

    Well done Mr. McKenzie and well done the rest of the staff and students at Kings College. An inspiration to us all.

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