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Letters, Comments, Complaints Policy and Privacy Statement

Published on: 3 Apr, 2021
Updated on: 3 Oct, 2023

Dragon Comments PolicyThe Guildford Dragon NEWS welcomes readers’ letters and comments.

We regard our provision of a forum for debate on local news and current issues to be a key function.

Letters and Comments Policy

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First published May 1, 2013. Last amended October 3, 2023.

Making a complaint

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This replaces our previous complaints procedure and is effective from December 2017.

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Responses to Letters, Comments, Complaints Policy and Privacy Statement

  1. Brenda Farley Reply

    December 14, 2014 at 9:34 pm

    I thought you might like to know that in your history of Guildford photos the little girl with the tricycle is me Brenda Jean Collins taken in 1935 out side 32 Commercial Road Guildford, my house at that time.

    [Ed: Thank you for your comment.]

  2. Esme Packer Reply

    January 23, 2015 at 10:36 am

    I believe there is a family named Schlee living in Guildford. May I use Guildford Dragon to ask if their ancestors lived in Shanghai, China from 1924-1927? I have several photographs of Robin, Veronica, Philip and Ivo Schlee and I would like their descendants to have them. Their father was Robert Schlee, a tea merchant.

  3. Stuart Barnes Reply

    June 28, 2015 at 10:11 am

    Nice to see one of our greatest poets, Rudyard Kipling, quoted in the heading of The Guildford Dragon. Very appropriate when we are celebrating our Armed Forces.

    The quote was: “For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that – Chuck him out, the brute!” But it’s, “Saviour of ‘is country when the guns begin to shoot” (edited slightly to fit). Ed

  4. Mary Bedforth Reply

    June 28, 2015 at 3:26 pm

    Few are aware of the death of Kipling’s son at Loos in September 1915, a year into the carnage of WW1. ‘Never again’, they say each time and, ‘We will remember them’.

    Much of the jingoism and imperialism in his work lapsed thereafter.

    ‘After his son’s death, Kipling wrote,

    If any question why we died
    Tell them, because our fathers lied.

    It is speculated that these words may reveal his feelings of guilt at his role in getting John a commission in the Irish Guards.

    Others such as English professor Tracy Bilsing contend that the line is referring to Kipling’s disgust that British leaders failed to learn the lessons of the Boer War, and were not prepared for the struggle with Germany in 1914 with the “lie” of the “fathers” being that the British Army was prepared for any war before 1914 when it was not.’

  5. Chris Culley Reply

    November 12, 2015 at 3:43 pm

    Building of multi-storey car park near Tunsgate.

    Think the pub was (is?) the Yew Tree.

  6. Virginia Goodman Reply

    January 28, 2016 at 2:41 am

    Was there ever an underground passage from the High Street to North Street, coming out by where Fogwills used to be? I vaguely remember walking through.

    It has to be a long, long time ago as I haven’t lived in Guildford for over 40 years.

  7. Averil Garman Reply

    January 16, 2021 at 7:09 am

    Huge thanks to the vaccinators and many volunteers manning the vaccination centre at G Live. Really well organised and much appreciated.

  8. Bob Leadbeater Reply

    November 7, 2023 at 4:24 pm

    I have wondered for years what the text was on the boards which replaced the clock during the war. I remember seeing them as a small child (Born Jan 1940) but I couldn’t read!

  9. Barry Jutsum Reply

    May 17, 2024 at 9:08 am

    I am voicing my concerns at possibility of the closing of yet another Police Station in Surrey – Guildford Police Station and its proposed relocation or its manpower at Mount Browne. At present officers are on hand to deal with incidents within and around the town. They can support each other and the other agencies operating in particular at night during the hours of darkness.

    Will it mean that persons coming into custody will have to be taken to other locations thus extra travelling time? Each arrest comes with challenges, such as dealing with witnesses, family members associated with the arrested subject. Again officers time being used up.

    Will the new Divisional Police Station have the facility of monitoring Guildford Town from its new location, that is have a dedicated CCTV system in place.

    The skill of policing is getting out of vehicles and interacting with the public, this skill is going to be lost.

    I suspect that this proposed closure has been brought about because of the mistakes made in purchasing the land in leatherhead and because of the money wasted back in the 1990’s on a new Computer Crime / Intelligence system, that was said to have wasted millions.

    Can we trust that this proposal has been thought through?

  10. Anna Windebank Reply

    June 22, 2024 at 11:21 am

    Please continue to follow the story of the petrol contamination of the water supply in Bramley.

    The residents are still battling with bottled water and have no idea:
    a. How long this will go on for.
    b. How long we have been drinking contaminated water.

    The petrol station has been having issues with leakages since 2016, apparently, and yet we have no idea how long our water supply has been compromised. I cannot believe it has only just become a problem.

    Thames Water trucks seem to have been parked up by the river at the bottom of Gosden Common for the past few years – doing what? I am not sure.

    I feel a good deal of light needs to be shone on this matter.

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