Fringe Box



A Mixed Week for Burpham Bowling Club

Published on: 14 May, 2019
Updated on: 15 May, 2019

Report by Ian Mackrell

On Tuesday. May 7 we hosted our friends from Ripley in the Guildford, Woking & District League (WSL) for the first match of the season.

It remained bitterly cold and rain threatened, but we stayed dry – and that’s an achievement already for this season! Burpham secured a comprehensive home victory.

Colin Colbrook demonstrates his excellent technique during the convincing win over Ripley.

On Wednesday, May 8 our hosts, West Byfleet, cancelled the friendly match owing to the torrential rain.

But rain didn’t stop play on Thursday, May 9 for Carolyn Hart from Burpham and Katie Culper from Woodbridge Hill. They played in the Ladies Unbadged Surreys, in the most appalling conditions, with home favourite Carolyn running out an easy winner on the day.

A special mention has to be made of marker Shelagh Spencer. She volunteered her time, stood there in the torrential rain – now that’s a lady with a strong sense of duty. Thank you Shelagh. No photos as the cameraman declined to get drenched!

Saturday, May 11 was the opening match of our promotion to Division 1 in both the West Surrey League and the Sapphire League. Hosts for the day were Woodbridge Hill, with the WSL played on three rinks of fours, while the Sapphire played, also over three rinks, of triples.

Burpham captain Alan Mogg (right) and Woodbridge Hill captain Ian Barrow (left) welcome all 42 players at the beginning of proceedings.

Woodbridge Hill were magnificent hosts after the match, with a splendid warm meal prepared by mother and daughter Marie and Ellie. But the match itself went completely the host’s way. They ran out winners on all six rinks. No wonder they were undefeated throughout last season in Division 1.

The two teams just before dinner was served at Woodbridge Hill, May 11.

To cap a rather frustrating week, our guests for Sunday, May 12, Esher, not for the first time either, couldn’t raise enough players to warrant travelling to Burpham. This sort of thing happened several times last season, and is an unwelcome trend.

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