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Adverts Trial at Recycling Centres to Raise Cash for SCC

Published on: 2 May, 2019
Updated on: 4 May, 2019

Guildford’s Recycling Centre in Slyfield

By Rebecca Curley

local democracy reporter

Adverts could soon be popping up at recycling tips and along roads as Surrey County Council trials selling advertising space to generate more cash.

Soon adverts could be placed within the centre to raise council revenue

SCC’s advertising and sponsorship options for commercial use has been limited to bus shelters and roundabouts, but officers have been exploring how to use county property to generate income.

The trial will include adverts at Community Recycling Centres and places next to county-owned roads.

They will still need consent from the boroughs and districts who act as the local planning authority.

County Cllr Matt Furniss (Con, Shalford), lead member for highways, presented the new advertising policy to cabinet members on Tuesday.

Cllr Matt Furniss

He said the adverts allowed would follow strict guidelines on what can and cannot be advertised.

Speaking at the meeting he said: “Advertising and sponsorship is utilised by a number of local authorities including Transport of London.

“We currently have a number of opportunities, but they are limited to bus shelters and roundabout sponsorship.

He said the trials would allow them to see what interest there is for buying the space.

“The county council will retain complete control on being able to refuse it if it’s not deemed appropriate advertising. This will include political campaigning and other such ones we deem to be not acceptable on public assets.”

The trial is expected to start later this year.

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Responses to Adverts Trial at Recycling Centres to Raise Cash for SCC

  1. Dave Middleton Reply

    May 3, 2019 at 9:07 am


    There’s enough roadside clutter, unnecessary and redundant signage along the roads as it is.

    More distractions for drivers are not needed or safe.

  2. John Harrison Reply

    May 4, 2019 at 10:06 am

    More advertising by councils perfectly illustrates the moral corruption of those who know the price of everything and value of nothing; who exploit public amenities to avoid honest conversations with voters. There is far too much visual clutter already. The councils should concentrate on ensuring the recycling facilities are actually open on weekdays and remove the unlawful advertising on some of the Slyfield units.

    Let’s make resisting anyone nonsense the first tangible test of our new councillors who purport to be pro amenity, anti excessive development.

    The recycling centres are run by the county council. Ed

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