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Aldermen Write of Grave Concern for Council Officers’ Morale

Published on: 16 Jul, 2012
Updated on: 17 Jul, 2012

Guildford Borough Council offices at Millmead

Seven Aldermen, five of them former mayors of Guildford, have written an unprecedented letter to the council expressing grave concern about a “…steep decline in morale among the officers of the Council.”  They also claim in the letter that: “…many long serving officers are deeply unhappy and others have left”.

Whilst not giving the reasons for any morale problem directly, the letter from the Aldermen states: “We are aware of letters from members of staff expressing grave concerns which, for understandable reasons, were anonymous.”

One of the anonymous letters referred to has been seen by The Guildford Dragon NEWS. It is critical of Guildford Borough Council’s Chief Executive, David Hill. It included a suggestion for an independent, external review.

“…many long serving officers are deeply unhappy and others have left.”

Some serving councillors are known to hold the opinion  that because the Aldermen’s appointments are honorary they should not take advantage of previously held positions and publicly express their views on council matters. This is a view some Aldermen are known to resent, feeling they have at least as much right to comment as anyone else. A Council Officer has confirmed that there is nothing in existing rules or regulations to prevent them.

The letter was sent by the Aldermen to the Council Leader, Tony Rooth and members of the Executive on 4th July. No reply has been received. The letter is now being copied to leader of the LibDems David Goodwin, Angela Gunning, leader of the Labour Group and all other serving councillors.

Well placed sources have confirmed that concern over the style of David Hill’s leadership is not confined to the Aldermen who have written the letter but is shared by, at least, some serving councillors, including some within the ruling Conservative group.

TGDN invited Council Leader Tony Rooth, his deputy Cllr Stephen Mansbridge and Chief Executive David Hill to comment. A council spokeswomen replied: “The Leader and some members of the Executive received the letter you attached only on Monday evening. It would appear that this letter is based on an earlier anonymous allegation, which councillors have previously dismissed.”

See also – The Dragon Says: There is Something Wrong

Below is the letter sent by the seven Aldermen.

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Responses to Aldermen Write of Grave Concern for Council Officers’ Morale

  1. Hon Alderman Mary Lloyd-Jones

    July 16, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    Vivienne Johnson has not been Mayor of Guildford, and has only quite recently been appointed an Honorary Alderman. Nor has Hon Alderman J Marks been Mayor of Guildford.
    There are eleven Honorary Aldermen who have not signed the letter.

    • Martin Giles

      July 16, 2012 at 10:38 pm

      Thank you for the correction, article corrected.