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Annual Guildford Procession Marks the Opening of the Legal Year

Published on: 9 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 9 Oct, 2024

The annual procession on the High Street and a service in Holy Trinity Church marked the opening of the legal year in Guildford (Friday, October 4).

The procession to mark the opening of the legal year in 2024. Photo Andy Newbold.

The procession from the Guildhall to Holy Trinty of the county’s judges and magistrates, Surrey Police representatives, civic leaders and councillors from the boroughs and districts, and a visiting High Sheriff from West Sussex was watched by shoppers in the town.

Members of the judiciary and the High Sheriff of Surrey in Guildford High Street. Photo by Andy Newbold.

The procession was greeted by a trumpet fanfare from the London Banqueting Ensemble.

During the service the led by the new Rector of Holy Trinity, Canon Simon Butler, the High Sheriff affirmed his shrieval promise, stating that he will well and truly serve His King’s Majesty’s interests. Tim de Meyer – Chief Constable of Surrey, on behalf of Surrey Police, confirmed their continuing commitment to upholding law and order in the county.

The Mayor, Sallie Barker MBE, attended the service in full regalia. Photo Andy Newbold.

After other affirmations, the congregation made the following declaration:

“Let us declare together our vision for the flourishing of our common life, and our commitment to working towards its fulfilment.

“We pledge our determination as people of Surrey to ensure that this great county shall continue to be a place of welcome, generosity and equality, with respect for all.

“We condemn and oppose prejudice and distrust and will work unceasingly for tolerance and the common good.

“We abhor all examples of exclusion based on ethnic identity that mar relationships between neighbours of all ages, faiths and backgrounds.

“We stand in solidarity with those in Surrey who are mistreated or held in contempt because of who they are or where they have come from.

“We affirm that our diversity is a source of strength and that we are committed to learning from one another.

“We commit to living out this declaration in our own lives, in our teaching, in our relationships and in our community engagement.”

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