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Stories written by Martin

Man Befriended, Then Assaulted and Robbed In The Early Hours

A Guildford man suffered a broken collar bone after he was assaulted and robbed in the town in the early hours of Saturday morning (1 Sep). The 43-year-old man had…

Letter: Guildford Planning, An Holistic Approach Is Required

From Bibhas Neogi I agree with Auriol Earle [see letter ‘Plans Must Consider Guildford As A Whole Not Just A Town Centre!‘]. The vision should include not just the town…

Robbery at Knifepoint – More Details Emerge

More details emerged today of a dramatic car chase the led to the arrest of two suspects in connection with the armed robbery at Eagle Road, Guildford (see initial report…

Letter: Do We Still Need Ordinary Councillors?

From Bernard Parke Hon Alderman We have seen recently that all major policy decisions are made by a group of eight selected councillors. To qualify for this elite band one…

Letter: Council’s New Planning Document Will Not Safeguard Guildford

From Gerald Bland Guildford Vision Group The interim Guildford plan, a completely new document, runs to 184 pages and was first made available to the public on 20th August. In…

Guildford Rents – Third Highest in UK

By Patricia Woodbridge, Partner at Seymours Lettings I read the other day that the average monthly rent in Guildford, £1,032, is the third highest in the country. I am not…

The Dragon Says: A plan for Guildford? It’s Time For All Of Us To Step Up To The Challenge

Whatever else the Guildford Vision Group meeting on Tuesday may have done it has certainly stirred up interest in GBC’s plans for our town. This is a good thing. We…

Controversial Planning Documents Do Not Need Referral To The Full GBC Council

Two controversial planning documents, critical to Guildford’s short term development and subject of the Guildford Vision Group meeting on Tuesday evening, do not need to be referred to GBC’s full…

Letter: Why Not Prosecute or Fine Cyclists on Pavements?

From B L Corrie I write to complain about the behaviour of cyclists. According to the law (Highways Act Sect 72, Road Safety Act 1984 Sect 129 and the Highway…

Bollards Installed to Prevent Illegal Parking in Green Lane

Bollards have been installed along Green Lane to prevent illegal parking on the bridle way. Workers who were yesterday completing the job say reaction from visitors and residents has been…