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Stories written by Martin

Guildford Raft Racing – In Pictures

The Guildford Raft Race took place on Saturday 7th July. Many people partook of all different ages and were supported by a large audience by the river. All photographs kindly…

Aldermen Write of Grave Concern for Council Officers’ Morale

Seven Aldermen, five of them former mayors of Guildford, have written an unprecedented letter to the council expressing grave concern about a “…steep decline in morale among the officers of…

Great Wall Used To Assist Clear Vision

By Gill Perkins Blindfolded you take the last few steps. Only when you’re precisely positioned are you allowed to see the breath-taking view across the mountains. Before you is the…

Planning Committee Should Reject the Waitrose Scheme

From Gordon Bridger Hon. Alderman While many of our more affluent consumers may be delighted to hear that the Council is negotiating with Waitrose to establish itself in the town…

Freedom Junior Summer Fitness Challenge at Guildford Spectrum

This summer, Freedom Leisure Centres are introducing the Freedom Junior Summer Fitness Challenge. Alongside Guildford Library’s Summer Reading Challenge, it will be launched on Sunday, July 8, at Guildford Spectrum. It officially…

CGBC: Match Reports

By Colin Summerhayes Saturday June 30 On a pleasant summer’s afternoon despite the grey clouds, the Castle Green Bowling Club lost in an away match against Brockham. Sunday July 1st…

Suspicious Incident in a Guildford Recreation Ground

Detectives in Guildford are appealing for information following an incident in a Guildford park in which a man allegedly grabbed a young child’s hand and encouraged the youngster to go…

‘Arrogant and Greedy’ Con Man Gets Four and A Half Years for Surrey Crimes

A conman found guilty of 33 counts of fraud by false representation has been sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment at Guildford Crown Court on Tuesday (26 June).…

No More Excuses – Fix the High Street Properly

Are you fed up with the state of local roads? Our story on Cabell Road reports the anger of Park Barn residents about the state of their roads. Others have…

Surrey Residents Satisfied With Police Action on Anti Social Behaviour

Surrey Police are in the top three constabularies in the country for achieving high levels of satisfaction from anti-social behaviour (ASB) victims.  This is according to a report entitled ‘A Step…