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Stories written by David Rose

Take a Look at the Lives of People Who Were in the Guildford Union Workhouse in 1881

By David Rose The Spike is a fascinating heritage attraction off Warren Road, Guildford. It’s a time capsule that’s a surviving part of the Guildford Union Workhouse where vagrants could…

Make Sure You Get Your Tickets for Lions’ Firework Fiesta, Saturday, November 4

Guildford Lions Club is reminding people to buy their tickets now for its Firework Fiesta at Stoke Park on Saturday, November 4. This will be an all ticket event again…

Fox Corner Boardwalk Opened in Downpour Amid a Sea of Umbrellas

A colourful spectacle of umbrellas was the order of the day on Saturday last week (October 21) as the heavens opened on the official opening of the new boardwalk and…

Solar Farms in Space Are Possible According to the University of Surrey

The University of Surrey, along with the University of Swansea, have announced it’s “viable to produce low-cost, lightweight solar panels that can generate energy in space”. The universities say the…

Mystery Now Likely Solved: How Yorky’s Railway Bridge Got Its Name

By Frank Phillipson The origins of the name Yorky’s (or Yorkies or Yorke’s) bridge to the north of Guildford station, and the reason it was built, have been pondered for…

Awards Ceremony for Recipients of Mayor’s Award for Access

Organisations, groups, charities and premises that provide better access and helpful services to people with disabilities have been honoured in this year’s Mayor of Guildford’s Award for Access. The Mayor, Masuk Miah, presented…

Free Guided Walks Along the River Wey Navigations with the National Trust

Here are two free guided walks along stretches of the historic River Wey Navigations coming up in November. The first, on Saturday, November 4, will be led by local historian…

Farewell to the Robin Hood Pub and its Once Merry Band of Drinkers!

By David Rose The Robin Hood pub in Sydenham Road, Guildford, is no more. It was demolished last week (October 13) and the site will be redeveloped with apartments. The…

Damon Hill Auctions Off his Electric Guitar for Halow Charity

Formula One star Damon Hill OBE auctioned off his prized Fender Stratocaster electric guitar at a fundraiser in aid of Guildford’s halow project charity. The instrument, which was signed by…

Notice: Ripley Bonfire, Saturday, October 28

This Saturday, October 28, sees Ripley’s bonfire celebration with fireworks, a fun fair, live music and food and drink. It takes place on the village green and raises funds for…