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Stories written by David Rose

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.283

By Malcolm Fincham Moving into July, the weather had become less settled in southern counties of the UK. Having escaped any rainfall for the most part of June, Atlantic westerlies…

Do You Want to Volunteer? There’s So Much to Choose From!

Latest news and volunteer roles available promoted by Voluntary Action South West Surrey. Volunteering is a great way to spent some time helping others, and can also lead to learning…

The Worplesdon Witness July 2023

Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon News from the Sime Gallery at Worplesdon Memorial Hall The Sime Gallery has paid tribute to its…

Is Guildford’s Future Bright or Bleak? And Who is Benefitting?

Joseph Bickle is a young adult born and raised in Guildford, currently studying media and communications at Cardiff University. This summer he is writing stories for The Guildford Dragon NEWS.…

Date Set for Wisley Airfield Planning Application Debate, But Councillors Won’t Have Final Say

By Emily Coady-Stemp local democracy reporter Next Monday, July 10, plans to build up to 1,700 homes near the A3 at Wisley will again be debated by councillors at Guildford…

Obituary: Well-known Auctioneer Chris Ewbank Has Died aged 78

Obituary details kindly supplied by the Ewbank family Chris Ewbank – of the well known auctioneers, Ewbank’s, based at Burnt Common, Send – died on June 25, 2023, aged 78.…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.282

By Malcolm Fincham My arrival back to Guildford after my trip to the Orkney’s saw dry weather continuing to prevail. Locally, temperatures continued to rise into the mid to high…

Getting Your First Hearing Aids is Only the Start…

Hearing begins to deteriorate for most people in their twenties, but for many of us it does not start to get really noticeable until our fifties, says the Guildford Hard…

Go on a Short Wellbeing Walk led by David Rose

Local historian David Rose is once again leading a series of free guided wellbeing walks from The Hive community centre in Park Barn, Guildford. They are easy and accessible walks…

College Invites Green-Fingered Enthusiasts to join Community Gardening Group

Merrist Wood College at Worplesdon says it is proving you don’t need to be born with green fingers to be a part of its community gardening scheme. It adds that even if…