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Bishop Dons Boots To Help Cathedral Appeal

Published on: 6 Jul, 2014
Updated on: 10 Jul, 2014
The Bishop of Dorking the Rt Revd Ian Brackley, ready with his boots.

The Bishop of Dorking the Rt Rev’d Ian Brackley, ready with his boots.

In a bid to help Guildford Cathedral’s appeal reach £1.3 million by its end of August deadline, the Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Rev’d Ian Brackley, is setting out on three sponsored walks.

The appeal is just £250,000 short of its first phase target which will allow it to submit an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a significant grant towards the total £7 million required to save the cathedral.

Crumbling plaster containing asbestos urgently needs to be removed from the cathedral’s ceiling and sound and lighting systems are also in desperate need of improvement.

The cathedral’s dean took part in an abseil from the cathedral’s tower in May and now Bishop Ian is joining the cathedral’s Make Your Mark campaign by treading in ancient footsteps across the diocese.

He said: “Not having a head for heights I was terrified at the prospect of abseiling from the tower and so decided to walk sections of the Pilgrims’ Way in our diocese, and to ask people to consider sponsoring me.

“The cathedral was completed thanks to the generosity of people who bought a brick and it has been remarkable to see that spirit re-emerge. Parishes and individuals have been joining in across the diocese with events from concerts and sponsored swims to community breakfasts and stalls at summer fairs.

“We are tantalisingly close to the £1.3 million target. My aim is to raise £2,500 and I would be delighted if the public could support me and help save this iconic building.”

The walking bishop will pass through 15 parishes on a sponsored walk of around 30 miles along the Pilgrims’ Way on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

On Monday, July 7, Bishop Ian will walk from Wrecclesham to Puttenham, passing through the parishes of Farnham, Seale, Puttenham and Wanborough.

On Tuesday, July 8, he will walk from Puttenham to Shere, passing through Compton, Guildford St Nicolas, Shalford, St Martha’s, Albury and Shere and on Wednesday , July 9, he will walk from Shere to Dorking, passing through Abinger, Wotton, Ranmore, Dorking St Martin and Headley with Box Hill.

The appeal will continue in phase two this autumn when the cathedral will set its sights on raising a further £800,000 including £500,000 for repairs to the organ and improvements to the choir stalls.

Bishop Ian is the acting Bishop of Guildford following the retirement of the previous Bishop of Guildford in November. Interviews will take place this summer for the next bishop whose name is likely to be announced later this year or early in 2015.

The Diocese of Guildford covers 163 parishes and embraces a large part of Surrey, north-east Hampshire and a small part of West Sussex.

Anyone wishing to support Bishop Ian should visit or make a cheque payable to Guildford Cathedral and send it to Guildford Cathedral, Stag Hill Guildford GU2 7UP.

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