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Bollards Installed to Prevent Illegal Parking in Green Lane

Published on: 1 Sep, 2012
Updated on: 1 Sep, 2012

Wooden Bollards have been installed all along Green Lane from the bridleway signs to Henley Fort

Bollards have been installed along Green Lane to prevent illegal parking on the bridle way. Workers who were yesterday completing the job say reaction from visitors and residents has been mixed.

The new wooden bollards line the entire length of the lane from the bridleway signs, where The Mount becomes Green Lane, and the gate by the entrance to Henley Fort. Gaps have only been left for existing driveways. Funding is believed to have come, at least partly, from Surrey County Council.

The new bollards run for the entire length of the lane to Henley Fort. Lay bys previously used for parking have been blocked off but passing places have been left

Lay-bys that have been used in the past by visiting walkers have been blocked off by the bollards. Passing places have been left but these should not be used for parking. Parking in the lane, officially a bridleway, has always been illegal but its bridleway status only became well known following planning applications for housing developments along the lane.

Vociferous objections were made when the bridleway restrictions were publicised. Some who had parked in the lane for years, to take walks or exercise dogs, felt them unfair and unnecessary.

This car had already been parked illegally in the space left for turning by the gate that bars through traffic by the entrance to Henley Fort

But some residents and other users said that it was important to retain the rural character of the lane and dissuade anti social behaviour. There has been evidence that some were parking in the lane to take drugs or have sex.

A contracted workman who was applying preservative to the top of the posts said: “Some people don’t like them and have told us so but they only have to park down by the cemetery.”

One local resident who regularly walks along the lane wrote, “Very good news!  …the bollards are now in front of both new houses, close to the tarmac roadway, with access confined strictly to their drives.  The bollards have also been placed now on the former “parking places” so as to make them just passing places.  A very thorough job.”

Working completing the project by applying preservative to the sawn tops of the new bollards

Another said, “Thanks should be given to Adam Owen, the borough’s arboriculturist and especially to Cllr David Goodwin who have worked hard to preserve the area of The Mount.  Adam’s work is beginning to bear fruit, turning the previously tired woodland into a show piece. Consideration by the public to respect the nesting habits of Sky larks has seen a noticeable increase in this song bird this year.”

What do you think of the new bollards? Are they a good thing to prevent illegal parking or an unnecessary nuisance preventing people from using the lane as an amenity? Please have your say by using the Leave a Reply feature below.

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Responses to Bollards Installed to Prevent Illegal Parking in Green Lane

  1. Julian Willis

    September 4, 2012 at 4:59 pm

    I cannot see how the installation of these bollards can be claimed to “retain the rural character of the lane”. I have never seen a rural lane with a long line of bollards on it before! They seem rather urban to me. A ‘home goal’ perhaps?

    Is not people parking on country lanes to take exercise or take their dog for a walk is a normal scene on an average country lane? Perhaps those who have sponsored this urbanisation are in fact seeking to create a private road rather than a country idyll?

  2. Ray Oliver

    September 5, 2012 at 12:10 am

    I can only agree with Julian. I think the bollards have destroyed the character the lane. It looks oppressive. Furthermore, they will encourage speeding in the lane, as drivers will be confident that they can see any cars driving in the middle of the lane.

    I also wonder at the cost of this operation since we are constantly being told that public spending needs to be cut back. Couldn’t the money have been spent on more important tasks, like the appalling state of the road surfaces in the area.