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Burchatt’s Barn – Stormy Meeting Anticipated

Published on: 27 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 28 Mar, 2019

Burchatt’s Barn – photo Mandy Millyard

A controversial planning application for the change of use of a Grade II listed barn at Stoke Park is expected to spark a lively debate this evening at Guildford Borough Council’s Planning Committee meeting.

The application has attracted 84 objections but also 43 comments of support for the change of use necessary to allow a chiropractic business to become tenants.

Mr Nick Bomford’s objection is one of those listed. Referring to the unsuccessful bid for the barn by the Guildford Shakespeare Company, he writes: ” object to this proposal on the grounds that it constitutes commercial use contrary to the original status of the barn. I fail to see why an established professional practice can be allowed to take over a community leisure asset.

“Why not GIVE it to the Guildford Shakespeare Company – their reputation reflects well on the town and brings in much-needed footfall.”

But Mrs Deborah Burder, supporting the application, writes: “I would like to support the proposal submitted for change of use at Burchatts Farm Barn.

“This is a small local business that has been offered the lease by the council (after consideration of their proposal along with many others).

“The objections seem to have mainly come from a specific group of local people. I wonder how many of those objecting have actually used the facility themselves over the last 10 years!

“It is also a good source of income for the council when funds are desperately needed.”

To see other articles on Burchatt’s Barn click here.

To see planning application record on the GBC website click here.

A webcast of the planning meeting at 7 pm this evening (March 27) will be available via (and thereafter recorded) via the GBC website.

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