Floral tributes are filling St Luke’s Church in Burpham today (Saturday, August 2) and tomorrow to honour the 18 men who are commemorated on its war memorial.
Those men lived in Burpham and Jacobs Well and gave their lives in the First World War. With each floral display there are details about the men and their families.
The flower festival and exhibition opened on Saturday morning at 10am, and within just over an hour more than 100 people had flocked to the church in Burpham Lane to see it.
Piper Kenneth Thompson from Jacobs Well was on hand playing a selection of laments and there were representatives from the Surrey Infantry Museum based at Clandon Park dressed in the local The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey) Regiment uniforms of the Great War period.
The event is a major part of the the Burpham Will Remember Them community project that has been researching the men named on the war memorial. It promises to make sure they are remembered and honoured for generations to come. More can be found at its website www.burpham1914.org.uk/
One of those who researched the men is Christine Willott from Jacobs Well. She said: “I am amazed by the amount of people who have come along today. We should be very proud of our men who gave their lives during the First World War.”
Her research led her on some interesting trails and Christine added: “Perhaps the best bit was very early on when we sent for the wills of several men. We found that Percy Gunner had asked for his personal items to be sent to an Edna Hughes. We traced her descendants and from there have met Percy’s grand-daughter Jill.”
The vicar of Burpham Church (that includes The Church of the Holy Spirit in New Inn Lane and St Luke’s), the Rev’d James Levasier, said: “For me, this has simply brought these men to life. We read out their names every year on Remembrance Sunday, but we now know so much more about them. Some of them would have sat on these very seats and we know one was baptised here.”
The flower festival and exhibition is open to the public on Sunday from 10am to 1pm. During the afternoon there is a service to remember the 18 men. The church will be packed with about 140 people as many descendants of the men will be attending.
Here are the names of the men with the arrangers / sponsors of the floral tributes.
Harry Durrant – floral arrangement by Jan Kemp, Burpham Gardening Club.
Tom Durran – floral arrangement by Marlene Tanner, Women’s Guild.
James Knight – floral arrangement by PAm Lord, Drop In.
Robert Knight – floral arrangement by Peggy Jones, Burpham Ladies Club.
Henry Williams – floral arrangement by Angela Barker-Lewis, Sunday Club.
Walter Wisdom – floral arrangement by Patsy Edmonds, Burpham Church.
Norman Phillips – floral arrangement by Valerie Boon, Together.
John (Jack) Russell – floral arrangement by Barbara Rhodes and Tracy Penfold, Jacobs Well WI.
William Collis – floral arrangement by Pat East, Burpham Evening WI
Frederick Adams – floral arrangement by Jean Davy, Growth Groups.
Robert Worsfold – Tricia Squibb, Burpham Community Association.
George Stilwell – floral arrangement by Sue Nice, Jacobs Well Residents’ Association.
Edward Gunner – floral arrangement by Tricia Squibb, Burpham Community Association.
Percy Gunner – floral arrangement by Pauline Wigham, Thursday Discussion Group.
John Gunner – floral arrangement by Pat Mason, who used to live in Elm Cottage, once the home of John Gunner.
Samson Gunner – floral arrangement by Oam Hawes, Jacobs Well Horticultural Society.
Charles Grey – floral arrangement by Ann O’Grady, Growth Groups.
Thomas Searle – floral arrangement by Mary Faull, Jacobs Well Residents’ Association.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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Barbara Howarth
August 2, 2014 at 10:52 pm
It was good to see David Rose this morning (Saturday, Aug 2). Many thanks for the excellent photos and write up. I hope the other villages and town events are as well supported.
Denis Regan
August 5, 2014 at 2:08 pm
What a wonderful tribute to the Fallen of Burpham and Jacobs Well.
All credit to Alan Whicheloe and the other volunteers for their hard work and dedication in setting up this 100th anniversary commemoration.
Simon Booth
August 10, 2014 at 9:42 am
Great tribute. Special thanks to Carol Salter & Christine Willott for all the research and for ultimately putting me in touch with lost relatives. Only sorry we couldn’t have been there on the day.