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Beekeeper’s Notes: Thoughts On Varroa Treatment And Of An Extraordinary Man

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon It is the time of year for varroa treatment again. Varroa, a tiny mite which lives off honeybee adults and larvae, arrived in the…

Beekeeper’s Notes: The Bees Are Keeping Each Other Warm

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon All very quiet on the bee front at this time of year. It’s too cold for them to fly so we don’t see them…

Beekeeper’s Notes: It’s Been A funny Old Year

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon Every year around this time I find myself reflecting on the beekeeping year that’s gone. There isn’t much to do as the bees are…

Beekeeper’s Notes: The Astonishing Chelsea Flower Show

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon My better half and I had a trip to the Chelsea Flower Show last week. Not being much of a gardener, my observations were…

Beekeeper’s Notes: The Swarm That Decided To Leave

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon The “little surprise” that turned up on the allotment last month, a small swarm with a laying queen, decided that it wasn’t for them…

Beekeeper’s Notes: A little Surprise Turns Up On The Allotment

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon One of the great pleasures of beekeeping is the unexpected. A colony you are convinced has no queen suddenly starts to produce brood. A…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Weather, Feeding Bees And Identifying Bumble Bees

Beekeeper’s Notes: Weather, Feeding Bees And Identifying Bumble Bees

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to the summer starting. Wimbledon is here so it won’t be during the tennis.…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Starving Hive Is A Horrible Sight

By Hugh Coakley It’s a horrible thing to see a hive starving. Dead bees on the floor, others with their heads deep into the comb seeking the last of the…

Beekeeper’s Notes: What To Do about A Disappearing Queen

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon It hasn’t been a good month for our bees. It’s not going to be a good honey year as we have lost another hive.…

Beekeeper’s Notes: A Surprise In The Hive

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon The beekeeper’s season has well and truly started. The first hive inspections of the year are a bit nerve wracking. You don’t quite know…