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Beekeeper’s Notes February 2018: All For One And One For All

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. He talks about the lack of ego-trips in a hive. It’s been nice and cold over the last few weeks so the bees are…

Dapper Little Duck Enjoys Time Out From Captivity

A dapper little duck that the Dragon’s birdwatching correspondent Malcolm Fincham spotted near Guildford made him realise it must have escaped from a nearby private collection. Due to his diligence…

Richard’s Wey January 2018

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations I’d like to begin by wishing you all a happy new year! Time seems to be absolutely flying…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.153

By Malcolm Fincham The first two weeks of 2018 was certainly a challenge for me and my wildlife spotting, to say the least! Weather conditions were far from good. A…

Riff Raff Diary – January 2018

Riverbank tales from the local St Catherine’s lengthsman and weir keeper by Robert Craig December for me was mainly spent focusing on my weir keeping duties. I also took some…

Make A Date And Join Others Helping To Look After Chitty’s Common

Volunteers are required to roll up their sleeves and join the Friends of Chitty’s Common for some tidying up of areas that have become overgrown. The common is a small…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.152

By Malcolm Fincham As the days led up to Christmas the weather turned mild throughout the southern regions of the UK. Unfortunate for my liking, in the countryside around Surrey,…

Beekeeper’s Notes January 2018: ‘Meat Seeking Missiles’

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In the latest of his monthly notes, he talks about launching bee hives at the enemy, the state of play in the apiary and…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.151

By Malcolm Fincham Moving into December I found myself with some free time from my daily work. And like a bird released from its cage, I was “out there” once again,…

Richard’s Wey December 2017

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations The past few weeks may have seen the first cold snap of this winter but at least the…