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Birdwatcher’s Diary No.276

By Malcolm Fincham Inclement weather continued to be the theme during the latter stages of March with above average rainfall conveyed on prevailing Atlantic westerlies. I had not had the…

How Rosamund Community Garden Increased Rainwater Storage Capacity to 1,100 Litres

Volunteers at the Rosamund Community Garden off Pewley Down increased their rainwater storage to 1,100 litres, a six fold increase, mainly by the simple task of adding guttering and a…

Beekeeper’s Notes: They’re All At It Again

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon It’s that time of year again. Birds and the bees are gearing up for the annual mating heave to keep their species going, same…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No. 275

By Malcolm Fincham Cold weather was never too far away during the first weeks of March. Yellow snow warnings had become a regular announcement by the Met Office mostly in…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.274

By Malcolm Fincham Even I, as a lover of all seasons, concede to admit, this winter was by now starting to drag its heels. As settled and mostly dry overcast…

Beekeeper’s Notes: Bees Can Be Cannibals When They Must, Just Like Humans

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon Cannibalism is regarded with horror and fascination by humans but the wider animal kingdom is less troubled by this most fundamental survival strategy. We…

Zero Seed Swap is a Growth Enterprise

The seed swap at Zero Carbon Guildford in Friary Street took off on Saturday (February 25) with more than 160 people enthusiastically swapping seeds or buying bargains. Jane Thorp, one…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.273

By Malcolm Fincham High pressure continued to dominate the weather during the first weeks of February maintaining dry and settled conditions throughout southern regions of the UK. Although night-time frosts…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.272

By Malcolm Fincham Moving into the last two weeks of January, thankfully the prevailing wet westerly winds began to ease. Temperatures, however, fell to below average for the time of…

Beekeeper’s Notes: How Dare We Kill Insects in the Name of Commercial Interest

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon The government has given “emergency authorisation” to allow the banned neonicotinoid pesticide, deadly to bees, bumble bees and insects, on this year’s sugar beet…