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Much to See at Guildford Arts Summer Exhibition

High quality contemporary art by national as well as local artists will be on display at the annual Guildford Arts Summer Exhibition from July 3 to 18. Now in its…

Notice: Author Alice Fowler ‘In conversation’ at Guildford Institute, Friday, July 19

Guildford author Alice Fowler, whose debut collection of short stories was published in July 2023, will mark a year since publication with a special “in conversation” evening event at the…

Updated: Hospital Cancer Centre Forced To Postpone Appointments Over ‘Critical Incident’

The Royal Surrey County Hospital yesterday declared a critical incident in their radiotherapy department due to the loss of their operating system (June 18). This impacted both the Cancer Centre at…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No. 306

By Malcolm Fincham The weather remained cool during the first weeks of June as a north-westerly flow kept temperatures down across the UK. There are even reports from a long-time…

Dragon Interview: Conservative Candidate Angela Richardson

Which candidate will you choose to support on July 4th? Many of you might have already made up your minds but do you really know what the various candidates think…

Hustings Event with Focus on Environment Issues

The next hustings with invited candidates who are standing for the Guildford seat at the general election on July 4 is being hosted by climate action group Zero Carbon Guildford…

A Brief Look at Changes in Guildford’s Local Government History

By Aidan Todd Guildford is an interesting case study on how local government has changed over time. In the 1888 and 1894 Local Government Acts Guildford was made a municipal…

The Worplesdon Witness, June 2024

Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon Sime Gallery chair of trustees attends royal garden party The chair of trustees at Worplesdon’s Sime Gallery,…

Challengers Charity Celebrates Two Fund-raising Anniversaries

By David Reading Challengers, the Guildford-based charity that supports disabled youngsters, is celebrating the 10th anniversary of two of its significant fund-raising ventures. The charity needs to raise £1.2 million…

Girls Invited to Experience the Joys of Singing in a Cathedral Choir

Guildford Cathedral has an open evening aimed at girls aged nine to 18 who have ever wondered what it’s like to be a cathedral chorister. It takes place on Tuesday,…