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The Dragon Says: “The Wheels of Local Government Turn Very Slowly” – Don’t We Know It!

“The wheels of local government turn very slowly,” said Cllr David Goodwin, the other day, to a resident asking why it was taking so long to paint some lines on…

The Dragon Says: Guildford Plans Need All Sides to Compromise

So the plans to build Waitrose may face two judicial reviews and many residents, especially parents with young children, remain fed up with the announced intention to close the York…

The Dragon Says: Former Councillors Should Speak Up and Speak Out Too

Honorary Freemen and Honorary Aldermen should be seen but not heard. That seems to be the view of many councillors at Millmead. A few months ago all the party leaders…

The Dragon Says: This Must Be A Fresh Start For A Better Guildford

The sudden resignation of Council Leader Tony Rooth has not come as a complete surprise to those who have been watching the council over the past few months. The final…

The Dragon Says: Major Decisions On Guildford’s Future Must Be Made By Full Council

Democracy is the cornerstone of our country. Local democracy is a vital element. It requires that major decisions about the future of our town must be taken in full council…

The Dragon Says: A plan for Guildford? It’s Time For All Of Us To Step Up To The Challenge

Whatever else the Guildford Vision Group meeting on Tuesday may have done it has certainly stirred up interest in GBC’s plans for our town. This is a good thing. We…

The Dragon Says: There Is Something Wrong

There is something wrong at Guildford Borough Council. So say seven Alderman who between them have decades of experience of council affairs. Five of the seven served as town mayors…

No More Excuses – Fix the High Street Properly

Are you fed up with the state of local roads? Our story on Cabell Road reports the anger of Park Barn residents about the state of their roads. Others have…

The Dragon Says: ‘We Get the Government We Deserve’

Who cares if you vote in a local election? It won’t make any difference will it? They are just a glorified opinion poll of what we think of the national…

The Dragon Says: Where is GBC’s ‘Openness and Transparency’?

The debate at Millmead a week ago on the future of the Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra was revealing. Not only did we find out about the poor way that the issue…